Looking for help in defining timbre (Color of sound) qualities

Greetings! My name is Ivan and I am studing singing, but why I am on this forum? Because it`s the problem of timbre hearing which some days are occuring and maybe some of you can help me to solve.

Some days I am hearing overtones perfectly on audio recordings and other days bad and on those day`s whole my singing struggling! And my teacher have very sharp ear for this and he told me on which examples are good sound and on which are bad. So Maybe Someone from You can guide me on how to identife good examples from bad more freely (because on some day I can hear those timbre changes perfectly and on those days my singing are the best). Maybe I should do Harman program on “How to listen” or something?

Here`s google drive with examples:

Thanks in advance!

That is because our perception on sound changes depending on alot of factors, it can be mood, physical condition (tired or not…etc…) so sometimes you will simply just have those bad days.

Oh and in the audiophile world, people mostly use the term tonality for what you are describing, timbre is not the same as tonality.

Hi! I aprecciate You re comment. Are You sure that this is tonality? I am not talking about scales, notes and etc. question is in timbre of my voice, it`s not like solfeggio (ear training like in formal music education) but rather eq -frequency hearing.

I am talking about richness of timbre and perception of the voice itself. Because my teacher Can identify on audio when my throat is locked and I am losing beauty of the voice, and I can tell it 50/50.

yes, it is tonality and not timbre, at least in the audiophile world.

Example would be that u can have 2 different iems with the same frequency response (tonality) but one is a DD and another BA. Timbre is likely gonna be different from them as the BA might sound a bit “plasticky” or unnatural. Timbre is influenced a lot by the tonality.

I see, thanks! Maybe You could more expand this topic, on how to perceive those tonal qualities?

Some days I am like seeing or feeling this sound when hearing it In some different shapes in forms in my mind - is this something relatable to You when You, maybe I should learn by heart those associations. I don t know, really… It s that thing that discourage me, that I can`t tell that I am hearing good or bad singing right away.

I think its a bad idea to mix the terms we use in the audiophile world with what you are learning in music theory/recording tbh. I would just ask your teacher for advice.

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If it varies from one day to the next, barometric pressure can affect it. Also rinse your ears out when you shower because a buildup can drive you crazy with hearing changes from it.
Also sleep on your back, not your side since that can affect perception too. Do you have a baseline playlist of familiar songs so you can do a check if they sound “correct” on a given day?