Hi everybody ! I’m making this topic because I’m looking for IEMs to pair with my TYGR . TYGR are great open back headphones for both music and games. However, unfortunately I’m not always in a good and quiet environment to fully enjoy listening/playing with my Tygr. In addition, I think IEMs are easily transportable (at least more transportable than the TYGR which is big a boy).
I like the V-shape of the Tygr but I’m not against a more neutral sound. I also have an ifi zen dac.
I already did some research about it and some IEMS are often mentioned like the moondrop Aria snow edition, the truthear zero, truthear hexa and the dunu Titan S.
So to summarize everything, I’m looking for good IEMs for both music and games (good soundstage and imaging) in the 20 to 100€ price bracket. Of course, I’m not expecting something as good as the Tygr but something close to it and enjoyable.
I’m not an expert in the sub-$100 price range. Inused to know it well, but a lot has changed in the last year since I was shopping in that range. I can say, that the Tinihifi T3+ are worth looking at. I love mine. They’re well balanced with a moderate boost to the bass and treble which gives a fun energy to their presentation. They render drums and other instruments with great tuning, timbre, and realism. Their technical performance is just about everage, except I find that they have good stage depth and wonderful layering abilities.
So my rec is the Tin T3+, but I’m also gonna tag @GooberBM because he is in the thick of things with the budget sets and market. If anyone can point you in the right direction on this issue, it’s Goobs. 

Kinera Celest Gumiho. That’s in your budget with a profile that matches the Beyerdynamic having what looks like forward vocals with an elevated treble profile better than an Aria.
Hexa or Titan S are also good options but I haven’t heard them enough to really comment. My default recommendation in this price range is Simgot EA500 so I’d vouch for that.
Hi thanks for your response. Can you tell me which one are those ?
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I agree with @GooberBM on the Dunu Titan S recommendation. I owned them for a but when I was searching out a sub-$100 single DD and they do have a Beyer-esque sonic profile.
Thanks all for your fast responses I looked at some reviews of the simgot e500 and they look like a solid buy and I like the interchangeable nozle feature. I don’t know if it is only a gimmick or something very useful but i like the effort.
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This is Tripowin Olina SE with Euphrosyne cable / 140 cores 5N OCC + 240 core silver plated OCC./ Sounds great with the stock cable too. Fantastic for the price and above 
Recently, many budget sets have appeared, but they hardly compete with Olina SE, more precisely, they do not compete with it!
If you want you can read nymz’s review here:
Rinko for that price is an easy recommend, I love the wide soundstage ( for an iem) that they provide and a really fun tuning. If you can find a sale I also recommend the final e4000 or going really budget but need a little warmer source the final e1000.