I’ve read nice things about the D7200’s but they’re a bit out of my price range.
Forgot about the elex limits on shipping
That’s right massdrop is doing the emu sale. The emu is going to have much better subbass and bass imo, in impact, detail, extension, and depth. The midrange will be fairly organic sounding with a nice warmth with very nice detail for both instruments and vocals. I think the 6xx might have more interesting vocals but I pretty much prefer the midrange of the teak on a solid state amp compared to the 6xx. The treble is better extended and defined, and imo a bit more detailed on the teak, but can get harsh at times, but it isn’t an issue for me personally. Overall the teak is more energetic in sound compared to the more relaxed 6xx. Regarding imaging, I think the teak preforms better than the 6xx, but I think the 6xx preforms more admirably in staging compared to the teak. Regarding comfort, I think the 6xx is more comfy, but I personally don’t have any issues with the teak for my head at least. Do note that the teak doesn’t have a detachable cable though if that matters to you or not
I personally think the teak and the 7200 are on a similar tier technicality wise, but I think the denon has a bit more refined sound signature
Could be hard staying under $500 and finding an upgrade from the 650 in your situation. Especially when searching for a quality, fun sound signature. Maybe save just a tad and get into the $600-$700 range. Or just get something that’s fun but more of a side grade.
Yeah, I figured it might be hard since the 6xx is so priced so well.
It’s more a question of me not wanting to spend more, $500 headphone will cost me $600 after VAT.
This is one of the problems of living on a small island.
Ok, the emu might be the best option at the moment, or a tube amp.
How much is the emu from drop all in? You might have some leftover budget to perhaps grab something like a little dot mk2 if the price is low enough for the 6xx
With the teak cups they are $410 including shipping, so around $500 after VAT.
The Little Dot MKII is on drop at the moment for $138 with default tubes including shipping, not sure if that’s a good deal or not.
That is around the normal price. Currently 150 on amazon. Not a bad deal. I own a mk2, and I really enjoy it with my 660s would recommend if you’re interested in getting into tubes for not too much
That’s not bad actually, on US Amazon it’s around 150 USD, but it also has the name AIMPIRE attached to the listing on amazon, and if you see that don’t buy it lol since aimpire is a fake product
If you’re interested in trying other tubes Ohmboy showed me this site
Which says it ships world wide. They’re UK and I ordered from US with no issue other than a little bit of shipping time. Got held in customs for a bit
Ok, might get into that later on if I ordered one, they’re offering these options, 6JI (base price), Jan 5654 (+ $15), or CV4010 (+ $45).
Any thoughts on those optional tubes?
The CV4010’s are pretty nice if you want to upgrade, I don’t know if I would go with the Jans personally
This was @Ohmboy’s rec to me
"I run 6H6PI/6H6N Novosibirsk NEVZ-Soyuz power and switch between 5654W/EF95 Jan General Electrics and 5654/EF95 RT Mullard’s for drivers on my mk2…
General Electric 5654W produces a warm and very musical sound with especially fabulous top end response. Extended treble response and forward sound makes it a great choice for jazz, especially horns.
The Siemen 5654w is sonically at lot punchier and wonderfully aggressive. This is superb on Rock Music; they are upfront and hard hitting. So In my view for Rock, Funk or Blues this is my favorite.
The RT and M8100 are best all round EF95 type to use for a wide range of music from classical to Jazz and all roads in between. They produce a warm fat and dynamic sound that is smooth and a joy to listen too.
The Novosibrisk 6H6pi-N is a genuine Soviet design valve and the best sounding Russian double triode that we found for use in the Little Dot amplifiers. The Novosibirsk valve produced the best sound out of various types of valves tested and offers an excellent upgrade."
I ended up getting
Little Dot MK2 Headphone Amplifier 6H6N General Electric 5654W Upgrade Kit
The EF95 Siemens
unfortunately I haven’t had too much time to try them. I did swap the power tubes and put one of the new sets in, I forget which, and it does sound good compared to the tube I currently have. i would say the “tubeyness” is a little more pronounced, like a warmer fuller sound. I like it a lot and Previous to ordering these I had a few tubes I played around with that came with my little dot. I really enjoy the amp generally. It did have some buzzing in the tubes initially but it seems that’s pretty normal as it went away in a few days of regular use
Man, my island is small yours is humongous!
Yeah, but your island is warm, and five feet from the mainland
Ok, yeah the Siemens would probably fit my music taste best.
The sundara is pretty nice, but it is somewhat neutral and not something I would call warm, more leaning towards neutral/brighter neutral. They are fairly impressive but not something I would consider fun, but I do find them enjoyable
Ok, maybe something to try later on.
What about the Argons, I’ve read that they have good bass but are also a bit muddy.
Argons would def be fun if you like something bassy and wide, but other then that they are somewhat average to me, personally I would prefer a teak since imo they have better slam and control (but not as much quantity) but more capable everywhere else (but also not as wide), but if you want wide and bassy, they are something to consider