Looking to get my first audio setup

i’m thinking of that homer Simpson meme with all his fat pulled behind his back. you dumped all the cables behind the back panel so no one would see the rat nest.

Haha I even managed those cables to an extent…

so how did the wife take the second set of cans order go?

You can see that the worst part of the cabling is down in the hard drive bays area. I will admit that it’s not perfect down there but I was tired and gave up. Also can hardly even tell lol.

As far as the second set of cans she didn’t really understand but seemed ok with it overall. I think if I tried a 3rd set she might understand even less lol

just tell her its insurance. to know what to spend money on you have to know what you like. so you ordered the entire menu. but unlike food you can return most of them once you know if you lie them or not.

I uh would show you mine but that’s work to pull it out and crack it open and stuff.

Lol she understands that. I’m not particularly confident in the Drop return policy though… Doesn’t inspire confidence the same way I know Amazon returns work

that’s part of why I don’t use mass drop. That and sometimes they are fast and sometimes it takes months for your stuff to get to you.

Well it just depends if it’s a massdrop product or not

Both said ship within a day arrive in 5-10. Both also said free returns in USA. But the return description kinda implies that they should be unopened…and I’m going to open them to try them…I’ll take care of them of course and open them neatly but still worried that they may not like that

They always give estimates, the Elex pads for example were estimated May 2020.
If it ships same day it’s in stock.

you could also try and get tour wife to try them on too, if you can sell her on the sound she may be more open to empty wallet syndrome.

Haha yeah she and I are generally both very frugal people. She’s more willing to spend money on prettier things and I’m more willing to spend money on higher quality things. These often clash with each other, much to my chagrin…

sooooo, your next headphones need to be in a fancy chrome or polished wood.

No. HER next headphones need to be rainbow or Holo…

Edit: also the associated amp/dac etc…

So a holo audio dac is in order then lol? Can recommend

Lol if you open up a thread in off topic that would be a welcome post I will post some of my builds too

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I think there is a post your pc thread somewhere

Lmao she loves Holo and rainbow. Performance is secondary to her…I keep having to talk her out of a computer she wants cause it sucks. But it sure is damn pretty…

Maybe plastidip parts of her headphone in like pearlecent white or purple