MLB Opening Day 2023 - Baseball is Back!

Well, Baseball fans, the wait is over. Opening day is here at last! I’m certainly glad to see the boys of Summer back in action. Time to take your gloves out of the closet, grab your balls and let’s go! :rofl:

I think this is going to be a great season. Or at least I am hoping so. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure the Giants are going to suck pretty bad this year thanks to the failed leadership displayed by one Farhan Zaidi. But I will not let that dampen my spirits. We’ll see how they do. Ironically, The Giants face the Yankees and Mr. Aron Judge, the man who made Zaidi look like a fool, plying him like a stradivarius to get what he wanted from the Yanks! Should be a good opening day battle.

What about your favorite team? How are you feeling about them? PLAY BALL!

Good for baseball. As fun as the day-to-day can be, it’s all pretty irrelevant. I’ll check in on the standings around Memorial Day and then in late-August :man_shrugging:t5:

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I’m anxious to see what impact the new rules changes are going to have on the game overall. Overall I think it will be good - of course, these changes were brought about to speed up the pace of play and provide more action on the field. I think it just might work, too. We will see soon enough.

Either way, it’s great to have the season underway. I love catching games on the radio - with the right announcers, it can be more compelling than watching on TV. You can close your eyes and have the announcers take you there. Of course, there is nothing like being there, but due to the current ticket prices and such, I can only afford to go to a couple of games per year. But it’s a great time whenever I get to go to the ball park.