Moondrop KATO, KXXS successor IEMs

Really? Gizaudio had the opposite opinion, and his explanation made sense. The big dip in the FR curve is where most female vocals live.

What dip? Sorry you lost me there. You might be right but i’m not following

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Around 5-6k

Not attacking the teas, just sharing what I’ve seen people say cause I haven’t heard them myself yet.

I’m not defending them either. I just found it strange since Teas are well known for it’s mids. Prolly the best mids out of the 300 bracket due to tuning (graph) and presentation + stage.

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You know what? I will just get both. But I will go for the Teas first since I still have my Starfields.

This seems to be in line with a lot of the other opinions I’ve read on the tea. Not the mids that are lacking I think, it’s just this presence range, or “lower treble”. I can see their point though, a lot of female vocals will be in that lower treble range.

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I’m at work so don’t have much much margin. Did 2 passages of Agnes Obel - Curse on my teas with the following EQ:

2db @ 5200 Q:3

Only thing I noticed was a slight presence boost while getting a slight more fatiguing presentation as well. To me Teas treble is goldilocks, just like EJ07m, as Paul Wasabi stated on his review.

Teas are kinda dark on their treble, that’s for sure. But that’s what makes it special too me. Just enought to have everything in there, but not too much sauce. Zero fatigue whatsoever. Vocals are meaty, present and in front of you. Other stuff come around.

People that like high energy on treble should avoid it tho.

Thanks for making me bring out my Teas, sometimes I just forget how amazin they are. I was testing Xenns UP but stopped for this. Damn, 300 bucks lol.


I’m a little iffy about BA and hybrid iems. A few things I’ve noticed and realized after seeing others notice the same. They don’t do too well when turned up high, they start to sound more metallic. BGGR touched on this in one of his videos, I think saying that most BA have that BA timbre where there’s too much energy, with only the most well done sets being tuned well enough to avoid this. I also noticed BA and hybrid iems also almost always have a much higher THD spec. The Dunu Falcon Pro has <0.3%, Kato has <0.15% the Hana 2021 and oxygen have <0.2%, etc. Most BA/hybrids I’ve seen have either <2.0% or <1.0% THD. That’s a lot more by a few orders of magnitude, literally around 5-10 times more. Makes me wonder if BA timbre is related to this. Also makes me wish someone would verify how much or an effect THD has here, or if it’s just marketing fluff, but theoretically it SHOULD affect resolution since any noise added is still noise that’s not faithful to accurate reproduction. The teas don’t even list their THD and I’ve heard some accounts of ppl saying that they still have slight ba timbre. Other than that, around a third of my library is rock or metal so I’m worried that the dip we talked about here may make electric guitar sound muted.

That dip is actually what makes me most interested in them. Makes me feel like it’s the kind of iem I can turn up louder without hurting my ears, which I would really like. I don’t really listen to a lot of female vocals anyways so I’m not worried about that, I’m just worried that guitar and electric guitar might lack a little bite or sound muted on these.

I find that hilarious because I’ve seen so many ppl even say they like their teas more than their xenns up lmao. I just need to find someone to sell me their teas now.


Or wait for sales day.

Don’t. Watch @hawaiibadboy Tea video if u don’t believe me. Eletric Guitars sound AMAZING on these.

On my library they are completly different sets. Can’t even compare, but as always, YMMV.


From the bible : Interactive Frequency Chart - Independent Recording Network


Guess my ears work :joy:

Thanks for this btw


+1 - They [Teas] don’t

Horses for courses - I’m lucky enough to have both and actually really like both but for different reasons, different listening moods and different parts of my library (extends to different artists in same genres). Factor in price and the Teas win hands down as they’re cheaper and make much better all-rounders, the UP is very different and doesn’t work with parts of my library but when it works it really works. @nymz has his hands on UPs now so I’m also looking forward to his take.


It’s comming


I mean I did disclaim where the opinion came from and any opinion that was my own was just what I thought from looking at graphs (which I also disclaimed), but I see your point. Wasn’t trying to mislead anyone, just wanted to share thoughts and see what others thought. We wouldnt have had this discussion otherwise. It’s good being able to have others pitch in, share what they think, explain why they agree or disagree. I think it’s only an issue if people are trying to pass off other people’s opinions as their own, or trying to pass off what they think as fact if it’s not something that can be objectively verified. I don’t think me citing someone else’s opinion (with a disclaimer) makes it misinformation, especially since his opinion will still exist regardless of whether people disagree or agree. It’s really hard to be an “expert” in the first place with how subjective a lot of audio related things are. My point being, using an example, is that if someone were to share someone else’s opinion on an iem I’m interested in, it’s still helpful to me as long as they are transparent about where it came from and arent being misleading by doing something like giving a made up or altered opinion, etc. Again, I do see your point and what you’re saying cause it’s a really thin line away from being just an opinion and thoughts to being misinformation.


With that being said, coming from a guy who is a rock, alternative rock and metal listener. This solidifies that I really should get it and hear it for myself.

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So in conclusion, for me I will get these when my Starfield or Aria broke. Probably anytime now, since my Starfields as of late are, let’s say, not looking good.

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Nice, you have the same progress of mine that I wanted to buy: Mangird Tea for majority of my library, DQ6 for rock/metal, LBBS for vocal/OST. I only want to own 3 pairs of earphones and that’s it, no more fancy stuffs.


Crin measurements. Wow that is a good graph. If there was no dip at 10kHz it’d be flawless.


The dip at 10k is a little smaller now at least, compared to the starfield, etc. All the other graphs I’ve seen seem to indicate this too. The brass nozzle looks interesting, I think the steel nozzle will be too peaky for my ears. I have the fdx1 on the way, so hopefully I’ll be able to compare the KATO and fdx1 soon, gonna keep whichever one I like more. Maybe I’ll compare them to the tea and oxygen in the future, those are the only other two I’m interested in, though I do have mild interest in the Dunu Falcon Pro as well.