šŸ”¶ MoonDrop Variations

Hint: The Variations wins. :slight_smile:


Personally I might flip his #1 and #2 picks, but honestly it is really really close. Also he has quite a few all BA sets in his list and honorable mentions.

I am thinking of getting either a Oracle or a Variation . I listen to many different genres from Classic rock to Prog Metal to Jazz to Classical and more. which one would be a better all around choice for that. The Mele would be the other Iem that I plan on using . I like it and it is good on what I listen to. I do listen to vocals and am a bit worried about male vocals with Variation .

Variations Unboxing

Will get better shots later :slight_smile:


That nozzle looks intimidatingā€¦ Iā€™m afraid this is not for small ear canals.

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But seriously, im curious your thoughts compared to the Tea, especially with Techno/Electronic music

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Will do for sure.

But you knowā€¦ Tea > all.

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im gonna place one of my fave Techno tracks here if thatā€™s alright, one of the best kicks ive heard, when you have time of course, please and thankyou

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They are exceptional! I donā€™t know if I should buy them!

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Techno recs always welcome. Let me just ask you this: do you like monitor like techno replay or ā€œfun at the gigā€ replay?

Well whyā€™d you have to go and ask that, canā€™t a guy have both?? Man I guess I would lean toward gig for fun but my producer brain is wondering about the monitor type. How much of a difference is it for slam.

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Keep in mind I have variations for 5 minutes:

  • If you want ā€œgiga slam Iā€™m at coachella bitches look at me listening to bad houseā€ - Donā€™t get any tribid, probably. Iā€™ll have a chance to test Xenns UP later, but opinions seem to be disperse, so Iā€™ll need more to hear first.
  • if you want something more monitor like, that has sub-bass mainly - Variations (or monarch, price price right?)
  • To me, for techno, probably the best Tribid will be Clair judging by graph, but I havenā€™t heard it yet. Seems to have the balance of mid and sub bass, while keeping the mids.
  • Mele made me realize single DD might be the way to go for it.
  • Teas are better than Variations on the track you linked as a 2 pass listening, need more testing. Pretty close tho.

haha thank you for the detail and yes i totally get what you are saying. My favorite for techno kick slam is the Legacy 3 and when i compare graphs the Clair is the closest, that was my first choice but Res always talks about preferring the Monarch and Variations BUT that could very well be library. I agree about the Mele, im listening at work on Spinfits and its slam is pretty good, i just donā€™t have the 3ā€™s here to compare directly. It would probably be better to go Teaā€™s for a subbass tune if i need the mid bass for electronic/techno music. Id really like to get a totl single dynamnic for this very reason, really eying the Senn IE 900 but that treble scares me.


IE900 is end-game single DD. You might wanna eq upper mids tho.

@Resolution is right, as 90% of the youtubers are about Mon/Var. His recs are one of the best, thatā€™s why heā€™s my sensei when it comes to expensive shit. He knows better than I do in an heart beat.

Monarch and Variations are monsters. But the second rule still applies: Libraries matter more than gear. Resolution doesnā€™t listen to techno, as I donā€™t listen to metal. Weā€™ve a close library in the middles, tho.

If you donā€™t mind to EQ, TSMR lands are mid bass beasts as well, but for techno you need to EQ bass and mids up, or else that treble will kill you. Detail monsters, tho.

(donā€™t have a graph for 120 config on lands - mids should be slight higher)

Second rule is, enjoy music over gear :headphones:

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OOF! That 5-6K treble on Lands. No way. :frowning:

Lots of airā€¦ and headaches!

For vocals (male and female) the Moondrop Variations is incredible. There is just something in the way Moondrop tunes their IEMs that does so much justice to vocals.

As far as Oracle vs Variationsā€¦ honestly for the genres you mentioned about half I prefer on one and the other half on the other. They are both excellent IEMs.

MEST MKII, Monarch and Tea all have treble I enjoy and can deal with. Anything more, NOPE. Monarch treble is perfection for me.

I donā€™t listen to techno, but anything with electronic instruments making up the low frequencies in the music, I prefer the Variations and Monarch. I LOVE listening to the exaggerated sub bass emphasis of those sets with a specific selection of my library.

Aniana Grande, Dua Lipa, AURORA, Billie Eilish to name a fewā€¦


Interesting fact, Iā€™m hearing as much treble as I was on Lands, with less air and detail. But Iā€™m probably just being tricked by memory.

Tea treble is love.

Techno on the Variations is god tier. Though to be fair I am not quite as insane a bass head (or bass shelf) as some members here.