šŸ”¶ MoonDrop Variations

i have this graph up as well currently comparing all my picks lol.
yes im really pondering the IE900 right now instead of moving to a hybrid, i just really like this presentation im getting with the Mele, i have the ER2XR as well, thereā€™s just something about a single DD i like. ya its a no go for me with EQ, i have so many different listening scenarioā€™s i really need something that is great out of the box.

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Coherency is probably that thing you like. A single anything will carry the same characteristics throughout. Though the downsides sometimes is separation is negatively effected with 1 driver handling everything.

Also I completely agree on the no EQ if I can at all help it for much the same reason.


i agree, like i like how spacy the FH3ā€™s get, soundstagey stuff, but man just going through stuff with the Mele really makes me miss that sense of coherency, im sure the totl hybrids/tribrids achieve that more.

so you like Variations with techno huh, what other iems do you like with it?

Varies on my mood. Sometimes I like the really precise nature of the ER2XR for techno since it does a great job of having everything really precise. Sometimes I like the artificial tone of my only true BA set the KBEar Neon, the oddness of BA tone fits electronic and techno depending on the track.

I IEM hop a lot. That is why I collect and never sell.

Electronic music doesnā€™t really need a natural timbre since itā€™s all artificial to begin with. :smirk:


yes i like the Etyā€™s for that same reason, but damn that fit is terrible, are you using the triple flange siliconā€™s or foams?

Triple flange all the way. Darn things took me weeks to get used to. My Etys are probably one of my favorite IEMs that I will actively discourage others from getting due to all the issues with fit and their awful cable.


i can see what you mean by that but itā€™s still mixed in a way to work with other frequencies of other aspects of the track. And alot of the stuff i listen to is a mix of both, nature, etc. i would lean more toward the coherency aspect than natural timbre aspect for me.

yes, coherency is a lot more important for electronic music than timbre IMO.

Since having a slow bass and a fast treble for example, will just sound off on it.


i couldnā€™t agree more, i use them to sort of mix stuff on my ipad when im creating.

Hey would you guys mind doing one more for me @nymz and @TkSilver
not the best master but i like it on my streaming serviceā€¦

Better slam on Teas, sorry :man_shrugging:

Details and clarity to Var, ofc.


Yes 155 gives variations bass boost

i can honestly say i thnk the Mele has good depth and separation based on my limited experience, is there a cap on like separation and spatial qualities with single DDā€™s?

so do i put Teas in the left and Var in the right ear lol

No, you buy Teas then Mest. Or buy teas and dinner for a couple months.


Maybe the ceiling for hybrids is potentially higher. But IMO a well tuned single DD will still be a match for hybrids, at least in the 0-300 usd range that I am experienced in. No clue how something like the Sennheiser IE900, Softears Turii stacks against the Sony Z1R, U12T, etcā€¦

i can live with that, i can at least afford the good ramen

ya i can see that for certain qualities, i still would like to try the oxygen, illumination and zen and of course the chaconne but the IE900 is intriguing to me for fit and some of these reviews, time and money will tell i guess

And what? Did the Variations beat Tea? Or itā€™s too early to tell;) Iā€™m currently listening to Tea - Gojira ( Hold on ) , uncredibleā€¦

You find the teas play metal well? Thatā€™s a real question not sarcasm as I never have heard teas