đŸ”¶ MoonDrop Variations

Ask @Resolution , but I think so.

Yes. Metal sounds great on them! Maybe only a lot of dynamic songs are a little behind, everything else is amazing;)

I can appreciate this because I am not only a listener but also a musician.

There are other IEMs that I find deal with the lower frequency speed of some metal tracks better than the Teas, but the Teas do a great job at their price point for a lot of genres.

I still think the FH3 and FH7 are better suited to the replay of fast metal transients due to their beryllium DDs.

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I find the bass of FH7 to be slower than Tea. And for the tuning - very bad at FiiO! Beryllium does not save FiiO.

K, im off from work. Gonna give Variations a spin🙏


So, my first impressions so far about Moondrop Variations:


  • Clarity and overall detail are awsome, even tho, not as much as TSMR Lands but those have more treble energy and 4ESTs, so there’s that.

  • Soundstage and imaging are also great. Vocals are out of your head, everything is behind that, with great separation. To me, one of Variations best traits.

  • Timbre and Coherency are pretty good. Not DD-like, but one of the best you’ll get as non-DD.


  • Sub-bass is great. Texture, speed and overall quantity/quality. Nothing to new here, it’s a sub-bass focused tribid that mimics Monarch, so it comes as no surprise.

  • Around Mid-bass and Mids is where my problem with the set starts:
    If we lock my favourite IEM vs Variations around 100hz, we can easly see where my problem is. Kickdrums, male vocals, bass guitars, etc are left behind. Mids follow the story up to the upper mids region, where from there it’s whatever. Coming from a midbass/midcentric library, this is a problem real quick. The way presentation and tuning is done by Teas on this region is better, for me and for my library. Of course clarity and detail are a bloobath that Variations wins.

  • Treble/Upper treble: Pretty good texture, ESTs well done. Above average detail and air on there. It gets hot sometimes for me, since to get the volume on the mids I need, I raise up the volume and voilĂĄ. Still, doubt this will be a problem to libraries different than mine. It has nice extension, nothing really to point here.

  • Overall/First conclusions: Variations is a great IEM. They sounds more monitor-a-like that I thought, with great sub-bass emphasis. If the mids were slightly different on the tuning part, this would probably be my end-game. Pretty sure these fit any library for people that like more neutral signatures with sub-bass boosts, like Dusk. Technically they are on god tier. If your library is sub-bass based, for instance, Massive Attack or Pop, this are a gem, no doubt. S-Tier recommendation if they suit your library. I’ll give a couple more spins in the next hours.


Well exactly what i was expecting after the techno talk, i gotta have that 100hz slam, looks like the Clairs might be the ticket but first Tea’s, thanks for the impressions.

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It is what it :person_shrugging: dont quote me on Clair, I have yet to listen to them.

I’ll leave here one my favourites of all time. To be banged hard and loud:


no i know just comparing graphs, almost identical to 3’s and Mest for bass and mid bass

gotta love some Garnier

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Oh yeah baby. We need to do a Techno-head thread :stuck_out_tongue:


have you been on the Electronic Music thread here? Checkout @Fractal posts


Welcome to variations family.

Thanks! Now lets find out if they stay or not :joy:

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Ordered the Variations this week from Hifigo, shipped today. Very excited to say the least! :3


Variations are also on my radar, but I am secretly waiting for the Sennheiser IE600 to be announced. My assumption is it will fall between IE300 and IE900 (performance and price wise)

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Is the IE600 something that will be released? Or you just assuming?

An IE600 would indeed be interesting.

I‘m coming from the Blessing 2 Dusk, and got the Aria after just to see what you can get for 79$. Both are incredible IEMs and I hope the Variations will be to my Liking as well.

I wanted an IEM with a signature of „neutral with a bass boost“ and the two that would fit what I want, looking at their graphs, were the ThieAudio Monarch and Moondrop Variations.

After all the positive resonance and comparisons to the Monarch, plus the cheaper price point, I decided to go for the Variations.

I don’t think they are officially announced yet, however the official sennheiser website sells foam replacement tips for IE 300/600/900 , which hints towards a future release


OH, interesting find there.

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