šŸ”¶ MoonDrop Variations

After endless hours talking to @Resolution and seeing videos like super reviews, Iā€™d skip Variations if you own Dusk already.

They are like 90% similar.


I wanted an upgrade either way, and enough pointed to the Variations being one :3

If I like them, Iā€˜ll give my Dusk to my Brother

Iā€˜d like to hear them myself either way and am excited af

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If its the curve that suits your library and you have the funds, then itā€™s an hard rec :slight_smile: hope you enjoy them!

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I have both the Aria and blessing 2 too. But mine is the normal blessing 2

Kato 10th September. KXXS on steroids with replaceable tubes. I might hold into Oxygen after all :man_shrugging:


I wonder what the tuning will be :thinking: .

ah, since Iā€˜ll receive my Variations soonā€¦

I was looking for good tips and came across the Radius Deep Mount. Some described them as one of the best tips you can get for IEMs period. Would you guys agree with that? They are a bit expensive to get here in the EU but If they are worth it Iā€˜d like to get a Box :3

They are, IMO, the best treble focused tips on the market. Altho I donā€™t think they are 100% best pick for HUGE nozzles like TSMR Land or Variations. I use them with Teas and Blon-03, tho.

Tips are personal and also Variations isnā€™t an easy or confortable fit for me, so YMMV. Tips that seem to work fine for me with Variations:

  • Final E (Bass boost - treble taming, ok soundstage)
  • Spinfit CP145 (V-shape, less soundstage)
  • Azla Sedna Earfit (Treble and mids boost, good soundstage)
  • Azla Crystal (Same as Sedna, but I prefer Sedna)

Keep in mind this is provisory. Iā€™ll try to tip roll more, but Iā€™m pretty sure Radius arenā€™t the best for it, in my opinion. Iā€™m using CP145 Medium or Final E MS atm.

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Thank you for the input! By the Sedna you mean the SednaEarfit Xelastic?

No. I mean regular ones. Azla SednaEarfit Regular

Xelastic kinda suck, specially since Crystal has arrived. Crystal is an improved Xelastic in every way.

Man, Iā€˜m frustrated. I just want a few tips for my Variations, why is there no retailer in the EU? Everythingā€˜s either hard to find, takes long or they donā€™t have the newest ones :ā€˜)

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Yeah, itā€™s hard. My collection is based on getting stuff from Amazon JP (do big orders to only pay shipping once) and getting tips along with shipments when I buy new IEMs.

I think I may order some SpinFit over Hifigo later :slight_smile:

I will also add the Spinfit cp155 which @SHINIGAMI_DIAO does accurately state gives the Variations a bass boostā€¦

But the reason they are my go to on the Variations is that they seem to keep the sub bass while boosting the bass and over all extend the bass shelf out, at least by a bit. The Final Type E seem to boost the sub bass and bass which to me overwhelms a lot of tracks that have a deep sub bass line going through them.
Though these tips act oddly across a bunch of sets and donā€™t always do the same things to different IEMs. Though for my personal preferences they seem to almost be made for the Variations and elevated then from being an okay tribrid that just doesnā€™t quite compete with my Oracle for listening time to one that crushes the Oracle in some tracks and holds up well in others making it tied in overall enjoyment.

One technique Iā€™m also about to try on Variations is slashed foam tips in half. Basicly, You get foams only to isolate and give confort, but they are on the same level as the nozzle is, so direct sound into your brain. You can see an example here.

Yeah, I got the CP155 in S already, great pair of tips!

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They are a weird tip for me since they donā€™t seem to react in a uniform way like a lot of my other tips do so I have found myself trying them on everything since I am never quite sure what they will do. They also redeemed Spinfit to me since the CP100 are one of the few non OEM tips I just donā€™t like at all on anything.

I currently use the 155 on my Dusk and they make them really comfortable, and Bass seems to be slightly tighter as well.

Just ordered a set of CP145 S over Hifigo. Iā€˜ll try those on my IEMs once they get here.

In your caseā€¦ I think radius deep mount is the best