Music for Sore Ears

I just ran sound for a concert/dessert party in which the crowd was talking amongst themselves at 90dB and my ears are toast. Any suggestions for music that will soothe my ears? Silence is probably the best way to go, but I’d rather not just listen to tinnitus.

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Haha damn tinnitus or not silence probably is the way to go. If not try lofi, something deep or just calm. One recommendation is this


A good track to just lay and sleep or to calm down

I definitely recommend “Skyrim atmospheres” by Jeremy Soule

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How about some ambient?

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My man riceguru always bringing it with Nujabes! Have you heard the Haruka Nakamura melódica album? Solid similar vibe album

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I have not but looking at the features it looks really promising thanks for the recc

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Midbass male vocals or non trebily ambiet

Haha your response almost looks like your talking about the features like specifications of a product. And yeah man super solid album. All the featured rappers I’m sure you recognize

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In terms of soothing VGM (which the main genre I lsiten to) I would put some tracks from majora’s mask and honestly most of the paper mario (n64) ost. One of my favorite is song of healing from majora’s mask, it’s very soothing and chill:

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Have you checked out any vapors of morphine?

Hmm, not yet :slight_smile:

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