Music that connects you to loved one's and intense emotion

placeholder…there is so much I want to say / share…anecdotal, etc, that it’s going to take me some time to put it altogether coherently.

but, to help start a conversation while I bring everything together, here’s a thought and a bit of my hurting soul.

my brother took his life in September 2014…and Linking Park was one of his favorites. for some reason I am drawn into their music because I wish to feel the pain of my loss. I bawl my eyes. not wracking sobs like I had at first…but my tears pour freely. as the scriptures say, death is the final enemy.

I posted this as for whtever reason, I want to feel this loss today, so listening to LP and crying my eyeballs out.


Thats rough hope i never have a song that will be associate to tramatic loss. Humans are very emotional creatures, context factors in as to how we react to sound. What is considered a somber tone can make people laugh under the right condition.

Kooky thing how sound can produce the same shared emotional response in humans. Music gatherings are a form of mass Hypnosis, might go back to cavemen shit sitting around a fire looking up at the universe.