One could do that math (I’m too lazy to) but I have an espresso machine that’s not cafe quality, but considered a “machine” and not an appliance, has a 1.5L boiler, and I read somewhere to keep it on for 16 hours a day would cost something like 20 cents a day, and that’s keeping water at 92 degrees+ celcius, so I imagine it wouldn’t cost that much to run. I just assumed everyone left their DACs on all the time R2R or not. I’ve read in some places a BF2 is good to go after about an hour. Maybe because it’s a chip thing
As a Analog IC designer, I will say this makes no sense. In silicon temperature is a pain to know and compensate. For this reason, usually good silicon design looks to make circuits less sensible to temperature change. For example, you can use different types of resistors with inverse temperature proprieties so your operation is close to the same around the operating temperature range, say from -20°C to 100°C.
If you wanna know more, the Bifrost uses the AD5781 from Analog Devices. They have quite the comprehensive library about their circuits including spice models.
Also it’s very hard to get accurate resistor on chip, that’s why usually R2R designs use discrete ladders. Always wondered how AD did in this, but they have quite the reputation our field so they’re certainly able to pull this off.
So you’re saying a fully discrete ladder DAC will not use any more power than a multi bit single chip design? I mean, I know nothing about electronics. If you say that’s true I’ll totally believe you
When it comes to just power consumption, I don’t see a reason. If anything, the basic architecture is the same, you just change to having a component inside the chip or outside. This has a lot of implications on performance, in this case, SINAD and SNR; and yield, for how many chips are discarded or used in other PN.
More consumption has probably more to do with other things. like the process node the DAC chip is made into, the way you arrange the circuit, the peripherals you’re using like amps and power supplies. You have to consider the circuit board as a whole, not just the DAC chip.
Also, sorry if I seemed too harsh in the response, it was not my intention. Just trying to bring some info about the technical side, that’s all.
Would the SMSL SP200 work or would the SINGXER SA-1 amp to match the D1SE. And would the D1SE be better than the SMSL M400
These are good questions. Between the 2, I personally prefer the SA-1. But I have had success with the SP200 when you preamp it, preferably with a tube.
Between M400 and D1se, I guess it would come down to which DAC chip you like. The M400 uses the AKM, the D1se uses the ESS. The M400 doesn’t seem to get the love it deserves. The few things I have seen/read are very positive. Having said that, the D1se is a more modern implementation.
Oh man definitely pour money into an amp better than the SP200 (not that it’s bad, I’ve had it and got enjoyment from it) but please spend $600 on an amp and $150 on a DAC before going the other way around basically
My Headphones are the Hifiman Ananda. and there is plenty of power.
Let me say that I agree. Once the SA-1 made its way into my system (was supposed to be a Jot 2, but Schiit DIDN’T happen) The SP200 was basically on its way out of the system. A completely by-chance pairing with the TA-20 as a preamp gave the SP200 a whole new life. But these were devices I had on hand so there was no expenditure to make that happen. As a fresh buy I would suggest a better head amp as well.
The SA-1 has been a great addition to the system, and I have been very happy with it. Class A, Class A/B, whatever, it sounds fantastic. YMMV, of course. But I love mine.
How you like this combo gettting the d1se but have a sp200 amp. How is the Stinger
Hi guys I have the Hifiman Ananda and Dac SMSL VMV D1SE with the SP200 which the XLR inputs are defective but looking at a different amp looking at this Singxer-SA1 or Jotunheim 2. What would you think be a good match i would like more bass out of my Anandas and not as harsh highs?
I have sa-1, it’ll soften the highs some without losing detail. I haven’t heard the jotunheim, but most comparisons give it the nod on bass slam. I like the bass on the sa-1 too. In reality you’re going to have more luck taming highs and bass through eq or a different set of headphones. Plus both these are amps have way more power than you need for the ananda’s. Anyways, you’ll probably be happy with either amp
Jot 2 or 3? Are you willing to commit to balanced? Ive heard the Singxer really only is worth it if youre going to use the balanced output, and the Singxer is arguably in a class above the Jot but from my understanding they have a similar spirit
I have a question for the community.
The Darco doesn’t look bad, what bothers me a bit is the note that you should not use Rca and XLR out at the same time.
Of course bad luck for those who have 2 amplifiers.
Now I wonder if this is such a problem, a switch would actually have been the solution so that both outputs do not run at the same time.
Is this a problem now or not if I connect 2 amplifiers but only one is running?
I don’t think the Draco is badly made, especially the support for the I2S input looks good.
But to eventually pull the trigger and use it as an entry level R2R Dac is hard for me at the moment.
You could probably ask support but they’ll probably lie to you that it’s not a problem, or give you some other excuse.
What do you think about this misstep?
yea i would be using it in balance mode
The general concensus is that the SE is there as a formality- generally speaking all R2R discrete ladder DACs like the Draco arent supposed to have both outputs used at the same time
The Denafrips Aries 2 has the same issue.
Depends on how the output stage is designed, some of them have no issue, some of them do. For example the ares ii doesn’t like dual output, but the 2541 has no issues with it, so it’s going to vary from dac to dac.
Typically if something has balanced outputs most of the time you are better off using those, but the quality of the SE output will depend on the dac, some have SE out almost as good as or just as good as their balanced, some absolutely do not lol. Just depends on how it’s designed
How do these DACs stack up in 2023?
I was looking at a used Apos Certified D1se or picking up a Draco in the aliexpress summer sale. Currently got a Topping D10 (which I find to be pretty crunchy and grainy i guess?) and a Lite Dac-ah (Something that is pretty much the same thing as a Border Patrol SE). Want something that is not as piercing as the D10 but not absolute mush like the Lite Dac-ah. Currently rocking a Jot 2 for my amp with more of an classical and game ost library with a few anime sound tracks.
Edit: Should add the fact that right now the D1se refurb is $500 and the Draco is around $600 not including taxes