I had my DV for over a year now and it was almost perfect amp, and in the middle of july it started to hum, I thought it was due to record breaking temperatures, and just didn’t use it for a while. Not so long ago I tried once again and the hum was still present, even pronounced, so i Fitz modded it, yet the problem was still there, i tried to identify what’s the cause of it and tried with differently loaded electric lines and it seemed that hum was not as bad as before, although it’s still present. What shall I do?
burn in your tube for 72 hours after taking out the power tube helped me
Does it hum on the headphone out or the device itself?
If the device itself humms, could you install a frequency analyzer on your phone to check what frequency it humms at?
how do I identify if it’s headphone out or the device itself?
Did you have the same problem? I have used my amp for something like 8 month and everething was awesome, so I doubt that the hum lies in the tubes. Or there is something I do not understand?
What I mean is: Do you hear the hum all the time or just through connected headphones?
i have nothing else othen than my headphones, so i am afraid i can’t check that
similar but it doesn’t hurt to try if that’s your only option
but how do I do that?
I think he means is your unit humming without any headphones plugged in.
i understand but i have no idea how to check it, i have no speakers to use pre out
I should say better. Sitting there nothing plugged in except for power is there a hum?
ah, now i understand, it makes barely audible humming sound, like the unit itself
Yes there shouldn’t be an audible or strong physical hum
ok, what shall I do then?