the other day I noticed my volume was down, but when I looked at my dial, it was in the spot I’ve always had it. it appears I’ve lost about a third of my previous volume levels. I have to turn the dial up to the 2 o’clock from the 10 - 11 o’clock I had it at before.
I have the iPower AC adapter…though it’s in a very awkward place that I can’t check to see if somethings wrong with it, but I don’t see why there would be that big of a difference between the adapter vs. USB power.
I’ve tested with different headphones and they all need me to have the volume turned way up from where I used to need it before.
@sebastien_chiu_iFi any thoughts on what could be going on?
If the V1 acts the same way as the V2 it shouldn’t be that. The fixed/variable switch only affects the line out. The volume knob still works for the onboard headphone jacks.
bruh i thought he meant he couldnt control the volume
Hi mate!
Is there anything you recall that happened day of this issue occurring or something you noticed that changed?
The issue shouldn’t be caused by USB vs outlet power, but rather is most likely something wonky in the product itself.
Have you checked your system to see if your volume levels were where they should be (assuming you are on windows)?
Let me know what else you have running set-up-wise so I can diagnose with some more info.
Thanks! We’ll get to the bottom of this