My LGV20 just burnt out then came back \=

Ok so ive had this awesome LG V20 phone with its quad DAC for about 3 years. DAC is so good on it all i need is a dongle amp or something. dont have to worry about DACs

So recently i’m busy at my laptop and i suddenly smell burnt plastic. I trace it to my phone and i touch the usb port where its charging and burn myself. I manage to unplug it and i can see the port has melted a bit on top.

I have no idea why this happened. I got some water on it earlier but i was sure it was fine.

So at first i plugged it in with a different cable and charger and nothing. But after trying again later i noticed it was working intermittently. After a while it charges all the time np. I also noticed the cable i had plugged in when it burnt was fine also. strange

So what should i do? Can i trust this phone or should i send it in for replacement? What if hackers got in and caused it to burn out like this?

did it fritz on the notebook side or the phone side?

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Notebook side? it burnt on the USB-C port

there are some bad USB C cables out there that could cause this kind of problem. they were cheap…and cut corners.

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Well the cables seemed nice

I’m surprised that after the burn out it wouldnt charge, then started charging intermittently, then now work fine like nothing happened. Its like, did they repair themselves? are there nanobots in there? lol

Could be a thermal fuse.

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