My own AutoEQ (made by me) for the KZ ZST Pro / Colorful

I recently bought my first HiFi IEMs, the KZ ZST Pro, I really felt very satisfied with my purchase although with the tests I have realized that the sibilance they have in the treble was torturing my ears, then I came across the jaakkopasanen (AutoEQ) project, the truth is that I liked their proposal so much that I decided to install the project on my computer.

Then after trying several configurations adapted to my EQ (PowerAmp EQ) I came up with the following configuration line:

( python --input_dir=“my_data/KZ ZST Pro” --output_dir=“my_results/KZ ZST Pro (Crinacle Harman 2019v2 wo Bass)” --compensation=“Preference compensation file” --equalize --fixed_band_eq --fc=31,62,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000 --q=1.50 )

In “–compensation” I put “Preference compensation file” so you can put the directory you prefer, below I talk about the ones I used, and the values of “–q” and “–fc” are shown by the EQ in the “Audio Information” section (you can change according to the bands you prefer).

The Raw data of the IEMs I took them from (KZ ZST PRO / KZ ZST COLORFUL - Review | I took the data from that graph in (WebPlotDigitizer - Copyright 2010-2020 Ankit Rohatgi), for those who want the file here it is the Raw (KZ ZST Pro Raw Frecuency Response Curve - Google Drive)

Then I took the task of performing the AutoEQ with the following data:

-Crincale Harman 2019v2 wo bass
-Headphonecom Compensation

  • Headphonecom Compensation SBAF Serious
  • Harman 2019v2 Headphonecom Harman 2019v2
  • Innerfidelity SBAF Serious Harman2019v2
  • Innerfidelity Harman2019v2
  • Reference of an Audio Analyzer Harman2019v2
  • Raw (using zero.csv compensation, EQ only)
  • Oratory1990 Optimum Hifi
  • Oratory1990
  • Klaus Neutral Target IEM
  • Innerfidelity IEM Neutral Target
  • Free Field
  • Diffuse Field
  • Harman2017v2
  • Harman2019v2

All of these files can be found in (AutoEQ/measurements) and (AutoEQ/compensation) with the exception (*) of Klaus Nautral Target IEM and Innerfidelity IEM Neutral Target which I dedicated myself to process raw in AutoEQ in order to use them as compensation files, both files you can get in their respective folders which I will upload to GoogleD (KZ ZST Pro Raw Frecuency Response Curve - Google Drive) so you can view them and if you have something to contribute I would be very grateful if you could do it in the comments as I would like to know the opinion of real audiophiles or people who have more experience than me in this.

Nothing more to say but I hope you can use the files you prefer (since I am still looking for a target that I like and that doesn’t fatigue me with the treble since I am too sensitive to sibilance).

In the Drive folder you will find the PNG of the EQ according to the comp, the FixedBandEQ and the GraphicEQ, plus the csv and the corresponding readme, only in the Klaus and Innerfidelity IEM Neutral Target folder you will find the links in a txt to the website so you can see the raw of the page.


I think you’re the first person I’ve seen here generate a custom profile using the AutoEQ software. I found it easier to generate PEQ values through trial and error. If your looking for a neutral EQ, I recommend trying out SoundID:
SoundID | Sonarworks
The EQ profiles are more curated compared to AutoEQ database.

We also have an AutoEQ thread (though inactive): AutoEQ - Headphone Equalizer Presets