My Swan m5a's are going back

Oh the pain. A few days ago while listening I noticed the left speaker sounded dominant. After checking into it further the problem is the right tweeter. It plays several dB’s lower than the left and isn’t clean sounding anymore. I called Amazon tech and they say there is nothing to be done about it. I think Swans has closed their Amazon store. They graciously offered me a full refund and I took them up on it. I really liked those speakers. They were detailed but still fun to listen to. I hate to lose them but at the same time I was always a little leary of having $1800 tied up in a pair of Chinese powered speakers. Props to Amazon for the way they handled it.

The search starts again.

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it sucks how swan barely put any effort in having retailers in the US. I’m right next to china and i only found 3 shops that have Swan’s listed on. I think you should move on, although Swan is great.

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