My budget is $300 (even though the K712 are a bit more than that)
I’ve recently purchased the SMSL M3 dac/amp and now I’m deciding between these 4 headphones:
AKG K712
Fidelio X2HR
or…go cheap and get the SHP9500.
Also if you think I should get a different dac/amp combo OR a separate dac and amp please give me options.
If anyone has any input that would be great!
The first question would be uses, but I would save 50 more bucks and get the Argons. Forget the k553 and the shp9500 as the k712 and the x2 are vastly superior. If you game alot and that is priority, k712. If you casual game and listen more to music, Argons. Trust me that argons are way better than anything on this list and will blow you away!!
It’s probably 50/50 for gaming and music. When I first started looking the K712 was my go to choice, so maybe thats the one I’ll go with!
Thanks for the help!
Because gaming is important, you could also get some used hd660s wich I have seen as low as 280, and those are really amazing for gaming and music. You could also look at the dt880 600ohm as those are also very good for music and gaming (I prefer the hd660s though) .
Can both the K712 and either hd660s/dt880 be powered enough by the smsl m3? I like to have my audio decently loud.
The SMSL M3 outputs 49 mW at 150 ohms, the HD 660 S has an efficiency of 104 dB 1Vrms should be sufficient.
The SMSL M3 outputs 24 mW at 300 ohms, the DT 880 Pro is 96 dBm for all of the various ohm loads, so the 250 ohm version may be the better choice if you want an easily above 100 dB.
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