I would like to upgrade from my 58Xs. I have the Elex which I quite enjoy and use at my desk. However, I would like to get a new pair of headphones for when I am lounging about and lying down. I thought on perhaps going with a planar as I have not used one before. However, would be open to alternative options. I tend to like good highs and mids. I like a little bass but definitely do not consider myself a basshead by any means. I enjoy classical, classic rock, soundtrack and other orchestral music.
Some head phones I thought might be interesting are the Sundara, Dt1990 and Koss 95xs. However, one thing I have not enjoyed is the clamp force of the 58xs, especially when lying down. I am hoping to find some headphones that are not as uncomfortable.
Another issue which is a concern is the Hifiman’s QC. I have considered the Sundara before but have talked myself out of them 1) as they seem to have a fairly high failure rate and 2) I have heard tell the ear pads are not great and a lot of people say they do not sit well. This is concerning for me as I wear glasses.
I would ideally like not to spend more than $700 and I do have an amp, two actually. I have the NFB 11.128 and the THX 789.
All suggestions, opinions and help is much appreciated.
@Logarithan I have Sundaras and do listen to a lot of orchestral, soundtracks (try the prologue from Birth by Desplat!) and female vocals. Using Asgard 3. Love the Sundaras, much better SS than 58x and still great mids and very decent bass. No QC probs for me. However, not sure how they would work for lying down. Have you considered iems?
Sadly I can not use IEMs as it bothers my ears too much. I have also read complaints that the ear cups are not very big and do not sit very well. Have you used any other Hifiman, like Ananda? I had considered them but heard their mids were quite recessed. In regards to you Asgard 3, is it a SS or tube or hybrid. So far my 789 and NFB 11 have been able to run all my headphones quite well. What does the Asgard bring to the table?
Once again your thoughts and info is much appreciated.
If you have really large ears I would look elsewhere, but they work great for me.
As for the asgard, the thread is good, but also check @WaveTheory "s new channel
“reviews by wave theory” for a good review of it. PS I don’t like iem’s either, tho I Can
wear them. 
Schiit Asgard 3 Headphone Amp Review - YouTube
How is the clamping force of the Sundaras? That is one thing that I am not a huge fan of with the Sennheiser line. Some people have said that highs sound over extending and not natural sounding. Do you find this to be the case? As well, how well does the Sundaras rely on the source material to be well recorded. Is it very telling or do most recordings sound good on them?
Once again, thank you for your input.
I will only speak from my actual experience (there are others here who have heard/owned much more gear than I.) That said, the Sundara’s clamp is much less than the Senns. I have worn/listened a lot to friends’ 558, 58x and 6xx. Imo the highs are fine tho opinion is they are a neutral/bright phone. I find the timbre to be very good. Since they are imo good phones the source does matter. This review may help you.
HiFiMAN Sundara Headphone Review - Best value planar in 2020? - YouTube
Keep in mind they do like a bit of power in order to really come alive.