I want to start sampling headphones from different manufacturers now to get experience, rather than just asking questions and reading about sound profiles and such.
so what do you think are the must-have / experience from Grado, AKG and Audio Technica? feel free to list other brands if you think they’re a must. also, closed back suggestions for Sennheiser would be appreciated, as I am gonna grab their HD58x and hD6xx shortly.
I need a good closed backs, used to have a pair of dt770’s which I liked now i’m looking at a pair of TH-X00 ebony or TH-610…reckon a good pair closed backs are a must?
I strongly recommend the hd650/6xx. It’s a much better headphone than the 58x and takes to tube a lot better if you decide to go that route. Closed back Senn’s dont have the best reputation from all of the reviewers I trust. I originally hated the HD series but have come appreciate it and now my perfect combo is an HD650 black silk, the original version of the 650, and an Eddie Current ZDT jr. I wasnt a big fan of the AKG K7XX when I had it and I havent had any AT or Grado so incsnt comment on those
Which tubes did you swap to? The LDMk2 and ZDTjr use the same driver tube. I’ve got a set of Mullard, LM Ericcson, GE JAN, and Raytheon on the way. Also just picked up a set of ecc89 mullard tubes for power, not sure what the LD uses for those
Yep, I did just that and bought budget samples of different styles to get a feel for stuff before spending “real” money. I watched many hours of video reviews and read all the reviews I can find.
Closed back: Audio-Technica MX40, Sivga 006, Monoprice retros, Creative labs aurvana live
Open back: massdrop HD58XX, Phillips SHP9500
Planar: Monoprice M560
I have spent the past 9 months listening to all styles of music and trying to understand what audiophiles describe in all the different sound signatures. Basically I am hoping to learn and train my ears before I spend any more money. I want to understand what I like and why first.
I also bought a dozen or so different amps and DAC’s to experience the differences in their sound characteristics. It’s allot of fun and I get a bit better at understanding and appreciating sound every month. Othertimes I just enjoy the music. Good luck and have fun with it.
Honestly i have no desire to let go of anything I’ve purchased so far. I am finding strengths and weaknesses in each piece. For example, my monoprice retros were about $70 with upgraded pads and they are absolute bass cannons when i don’t push them into distortion. I love the way they sound with rap, hip-hop, techno, club etc with lots of synthesized bass. When i finally let go of some pieces I will more than likely gift them to friends and family so they too can enjoy. I honestly doubt i could re-coup half or 1/4 of what i spent. Shipping cheap bulky items is always a loosing proposition in my opinion.
Since i was new to headphones and had minimal access to try stuff for free i decided to buy budget items to get a feel for stuff.
Nobsound NS08E hybrid tube amp, Darkvoice w/ about $200 invested in additional tubes, monoprice liquid spark, Emotiva BassX, XDuuo 05 w/burson op-amp, Fiio
Smsl 08, Pro-ject pre-box s2.
Hmmm, total cost, not sure there are cables, pads, etc. can’t be more than $3k. Maybe…
As long as the cost is under $1k that falls into “budget” price for me and i don’t stress the funds too much, once items get past that cost factor i get serious. Currently i am starting to focus on the Klipsch HP-3 headphones to be my daily all around enjoy the music cans. I think i want a bigger set of planars too. I’m waiting to see what the new monoliths are like. They should be out by november.
Spread out over a year, is about the cost of lunch daily. I sacrifice elsewhere to play. Everything has a cost. Considering that 2.5k $ and above is average for flagship headphones and amps tho…
Marzipan, what amplifier and dac are you using, what type of music do you prefer? Do you prefer to just sit-back and fall asleep to the music or do you sit there and stress over the quality of the recording? What is your source material?
All this plays a role in your decision. What’smyour budget?
I moved several times and my headphone stuff actually hasn’t been found yet…but I have a Dragonfly Red. budget is probably about $500 for DAC n Amp. I want to enjoy my music, not analyze it for imperfections.