Need some advice (HP-3 / HD800S + dac/amp)

The FiiO BTR5 drives the headphones beautifully.

You ever get them fixed?

Yes, they’re still not my favorite headphone. I just kept unscrewing things until I COULD fix the HP-3. I’ve had to fix them 1 more time which means it’s time for me to go invest in some loctite.

Oh, I read that they are easy to drive but was unaware they were THAT easy to drive.
I can definitely get Fiio products in Japan, BTR5 is around $130 here, thanks for the recommendation.

You mention that you needed to fix the HP-3 multiple times; is there an issue with build quality?

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I did a quick search, I can get the A8 for around $500 used.
I can also get a A8Mk2 new for around $1000 as well.

The U505 does only have 4.4mm or 6.3mm LR output, was just going to use the 4.4mm since the HD800S come with a 4.4mm pentaconn cable.

Chord Qutest is definitely out of budget, wish I had the money :pensive:

Ah, the Denon wood series, they do look really nice, but I’m worried the sound stage would suffer a bit.

I just noticed that you mentioned the RME ADI-2 FS.
I actually searched the RME ADI-2 (without FS) and saw it was around $1500, whereas the FS model is more near $1200, so can be an option…do you have any experience with the ADI-2 FS?

I keep having to fix this, which gets annoying and is a bit more involved. I’m assuming can be fixed with loctite. Ugliest Headphones?

Denafrips Ares II should be cheaper for you than the rest of us state side.

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That is a shame you need to keep fixing it, not something I would expect out of a $1000+ set of cans…

Seems like I can get a Denafrips Ares II for around $720, but I would also need to get a transformer for it to work with 100V in Japan. Would also need to get a separate amp, albeit you mentioned a BTR5 should suffice.

The BTR5 does sound pretty good with with it. About half the max max volume on high game runs those headphones effortlessly. So pretty much any DAC/amp will treat you well. I would even consider looking at some of the ifi offerings since they convert to DC which you should have plenty of options in your country for locally sourced options.

You’re in Japan… the amount of audio options you have there that we’ve never heard of is at your disposal as well. Given the low power requirements, you can’t go wrong with the HP-3.

I actually wouldn’t mind getting a “over-powered” amp though, as I may want to use them with any cans I get in the future (I am all too familiar with saying “this is my last headphone/IEM” only to come back to the forums 6 months later).

As you mentioned, Japan has lots of Fostex and TEAC that I can test out with high end gear such as the HD800S. Unfortunately, I doubt I’ll be able to test the HP-3 (nor Heritage amp) :worried:

I become my Rme Adi 2 dac fs today.
I have read he have the best Dacsection.And good many goodies for play on the Eq.
The Fostex Hp A8 i have heard is a bit older but not bad.With mk2 they have progressed a little bit.And is a good option to for your project.
He have really good in and outputs.

Honestly,Fostex with Akm chip make a really good sounding.
Only the A3 is a really good player,and with the A8 mk 2 is greater with more power,more Stage,more details,more raffiness.
It is today after years in my list to try it.
And Japan sounding is really special and make good things.Just Japan ingeneering can create this.

Honestly… the HP-3 makes cheaper gear sound amazing. If there is any magical quality I can give the HP-3 is that the FiiO BTR5 but more so the Dragonfly Cobalt (red would be just as good too) make that headphone sound amazing. If I didn’t have better hear I’d be calling it end game and be done.

Have you considered a Topping DAC/amp? They may fight your needs. Or a Topping stack? SMSL has some options too that should play nice.

The RME ADI-2 DAC FS has me really interested now.
It’s a bit confusing since they seem to have multiple versions (ADI-2, ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 DAC FS, ADI-2 Pro FS). I can get it for around $1200 in Japan.
Just to double check, this is a amp/dac, correct?

Seems like this forum also has a dedicated thread for the ADI-2, will take a look later!

The A8 does seem nice, but the size, especially compared to the ADI-2 DAC FS is a bit concerning; would need to measure up my desk and probably move some stuff around.


I probably wouldn’t take it outside, but I guess I could also pair the HP-3 with my iBasso DT150 as well then.

I have not yet looked into a Topping stack; any particular combination that you would recommend? Seems like they have quite a lot of choices!

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Go nuts, it’s all available and should treat you well enough. I’ll admit for driving the HP-3’s specifically you can’t really go wrong. I’m struggling a bit trying to understand what is actually available in Japan for you to procure.

Version IEM out Headphone (SE) Headphone (Blanced) SPDIF Toslink ADAT AES Analog out Analog in
ADI-2-DAC FS :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check:
ADI-2 Pro FS R :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check:
ADI-2 FS :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check: :ballot_box_with_check:

Not mentioned: USB, they all have that.


I usually first check e-earphone, as I can visit their shop and take a listen if they have it in stock. Other than e-earphone, I try get my gear from official local retailers or if the price difference is substantial (which it usually is), I purchase through a shop that imports foreign audio equipment. In this case, the warranty is nullified though…

This is great info, thank you!
ADI-2 DAC FS would be the one I need to look for then, assuming it pairs up nicely with an HD800S and/or HP-3. Need to do a bit more research on that.

The Rme Adi dac Fs is a Dac/amp.
It work only digital,usb,toslink and coax.Output balcance and Rca.
It is possible to recording with him when you would.
Have Remote control,Loudness fuction,5 Band Equalizer and another Equalizer.Crossfeed settings,Good power management,a dector in the connectors Jack.the Amp section is better as a Jds labs atom amp same people saying.Dsd possible,32 bit with 789 khz.

If existe a Fs R version and the Pro version.
The Pro is more for Studios,the Fs is for people would just hearing with good quality and the Fs R is the same with more option in output and input section for more money.
On youtube it gives same video about the Adi2.

You have right the A8 is a monster compare with the Adi2.
But not bad.
For two years ago i would buy it but i didn‘t do it.

Here is the Fs R version

Here the Fs version

The comes on the Market last year in November,with the new Akm 4493 chip and better updates.


Thank you for the input.
I went through RME’s site to get an understanding of the differences and it fits your description.
Whenever I searched the “ADI-2 DAC”, a non-FS version kept popping up so was confused, but seems like that is the older version and that the “AII-2 DAC FS” is the new version released in February 2020.

The balanced L/R plugs on the Pro version do not really interest me. They might have interested me if it was XLR balanced, but I guess this means I don’t need to worry about going balanced on the HD800S or HP-3.