So currently, I have SHP9500’s connected directly to my motherboard. I have some Vanatoo T0’s on the way. Before switching to the Philips, I was using a Logitech G633 gaming headset, which had a volume wheel on the earcup. I wanted to have something similar, wherein I have a knob to use to change volume of the output.
I thought the best would be to invest in a DAC/AMP combo and run my set-up through there, so the knob included would be what I use to control the volume of my computer.
I realize that SHP9500 are really easy to drive so I might not even need an amp, but I want the future-proofing it provides as I might change headphones in the future and I think mostly amps have the knob(? right? Hahahaha.)
The DAC/AMP’s I currently have on my list:
Fostex HP-A3
Audinst HUD-MX2
Mayflower ARC Mk2
Micca OriGen G2
As you can see, everything they all have in common are there is an output switch built-in. I want to be able to switch easily between my speakers and headphones without having to plug/unplug my headphones from the DAC/AMP. I would also like to keep it within the ballpark of $200, less would be better (my wallet already took a big hit from the T0’s hahaha.)
I would like to hear your opinions and experiences on these if you have any! And if you have a suggestion please feel free to drop them down, I would gladly take a look at them
Is a fiio k5 pro available to you? If so that would be my pick, but the thing is that the headphones will still play along with the speakers from the volume control, so you wouldn’t have to unplug, but it’s not ideal, so it’s probably not the best choice for this situation
Personally the origain would work more than fine with the shps, but it would limit your headphone options in the future
The HUD-MX2 is most likely what I would suggest going for here, but it is over budget I think (unless you can get a deal on one)
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll keep that in my list if I have no other choice but to unplug/plug my headphones. Would you know if unplugging/plugging constantly will result to breaking quicker? That’s basically the only thing I’m afraid of.
I can get a HUD-MX2 for a bit above $200, and the Fostex HP-A3 at exactly $200, but I don’t know which one would be better. I haven’t seen much reviews on either, really. I’ve only seen reviews on the HP-A4.
So with a 1/4 inch jack it’s really not a concern imo, they are very durable. Personally I think the hp-a4 is a bit older at this point, and while still good I think the HUD is better sounding to me. So for what you can get it for, the HUD sounds like the best option to me