Can you please take a picture of the installed pads from the inside? I’m trying to figure out if the space for the ear is too cramped with the ovals and get Oris instead.
Thanks a lot, Connor. Also really appreciate you being a pioneer for people like me to follow with the Phantom.
I know it’s somewhere in the 332 responses, but how big are the inner foam circles?
Hmmm. They could come in handy as inner pads to my Grado’s
That’s perfect. Thanks a lot! I think I’ll go with the Oris
I hadn’t thought of that. Any idea how that is likely to change the sound over the Ovals (if at all)?
I don’t expect it to change too much, my choice is related to comfort and keeping the heat off as much as possible
Which pads are those?
Is the imaging still good?
Those are the ZMF Oval Suedes, the kind Zeos settled on in his review.
On one of my drivers, the wires are crossed over like this and are soldered to the opposite sides. Is this a problem for me or is it fine?
Yes it does the driver will be out of phase
You can check here to verify that your driver is out of phase.
Plot twist I didn’t like them, but DID you see the video I made for abyss?
I got this pair from Z. Disagreements happen it’s all part of the hobby.
My take is that these are a hype train. Give it 6 months and everyone will be talking about how bad they are and how good the “next thing” is.
Sucks that it is that way though. I think everyone hyping them up set my expectations too high. Reality is often disappointing.
What you think of the Takstars HF580?
Reserving most of my opinions on that till the vid comes out. Not bad. Hyped up some. Has some flaws. Overall more promising at its price but needs a few fixes to really shine.
My take is that these are a hype train. Give it 6 months and everyone will be talking about how bad they are and how good the “next thing” is.
Well i’m gonna enjoy mine for the next 6 months till they turn bad lol