Hy guys, I’m looking for a good IEM that I can power from a phone (Galaxy Note 9). My budget is 150€ max
I am in France now, so it have to be available here (cuz i live in Brazil and there are no good IEMs avaliable there)
I may use a BTR 3 to power them if it’s worth it and the IEM Itself is less than 100€. But I rather not because of the portability.
I’m looking for a fun sound, relaxed, some bass. I like detail, But I don’t want a murder trebble in my IEMs since they are for on the go use and they can’t be very fatiguing since I’m going to use it for hours.
But, above all, I think the most important thing for me is soundstage and imaging.
I have had a DT770, ATH-M40X, Koss Porta Pro and currently own a WH-1000XM3 and waiting for my DT1990 to ship
I hear all kinds of music, but mostly acoustic songs. I wanted it to be pretty good with everything, but the acoustic songs are more important.
If you want to go cheap, start with the Blon 03s and perhaps get a new cable like I and many others did because the cable is rubbish.
They’re very good, especially for the price.
What type of budget do you have?
Ok, thanks. I now about the Blon 03s and the tin t2. I know they are good and cheap. But I was looking to start with something better. So it will be not much of a difference in overall sound quality from my other headphones. That’s why my budget is 150.
Also, i think the P1 might need an amp. And i really didnt want that, unless it is really worth it.
Those two sets are banging in their own right and hold their own in the < $150 melee but any of the above rec’s are solid it just depends on what sound sig you’re looking for.
I recommend the Guideray Gr-i. They are built to the shape of ears much better than most IEMs, practically any in their price range. Very nice bass and detail. They may look off for the price of $50 but you get a really nice cable with in-line mic, and lots of different tips to try. I highly recommend them. Don’t be fooled by all the different colors, they are all exactly the same.
I got the tin p1 arriving tomorrow. Going to power it out of my Samsung s9 plus. I’ll let you know how they are. I have the ifi micro black label at my disposal if needed
03’s are solid sound wise and punch well above their price point, the only down side can be fit (that’s personal) and the cable’s wack…but still well worth the asking price imho
Love my P1’s but they really need an Amp to shine as they’re the power hungry, oh and make sure you get the right tips for you so you get the best seal possible…because that’s a make or break right there…Enjoy them as they’re a little
These are new, but someone has to get 'em and report back. If you like bass, detail, soundstage, and treble magic, these might be for you (info page and sales link).