Night Oblivion - discussions

What on HF?..


I’m comparing NP and Butastur today. From memory though, Butastur is just more enjoyable than SR8. The imaging and depth has alot to do with it. SR8 was much more 2D. I prefer the bass on Butastur too. More naturally weighted from sub to mid bass.

Sweetcans is best to compare though as he has them both to hand.


I will be able to compare to both SR8 and NP when mine arrives. Getting a little nervous as I haven’t gotten a shipping notification… :worried:

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If you play normal IEM at large volume, the gain peaks of the track certainly will damage your hearing, Risking your early hearing loss.

Not only music but highly noisy environments (gunshots, constructions, airport, rock festival, nightclubs) would also permanently damage your hearing function, so earplugs such as below is recommended.

Butastur has double vent system that directly vents the excessive sound-pressure from ear canal with its exhaust located above the switches, so not only you can notice a much more natural timbre coming out of a full BA set, but also it save your hearing function.


It felt weird to keep lurking here without saying anything, so I thought I could at least pipe in and say CONGRATULATIONS on this total banger of an IEM. It is obvious Butastur is a real labor of love. Ya’ll could’ve easily charged a lot more for this and it still would have been worth it. I can’t wait to see some more impressions, I bet people will be surprised.

I’m trying to restrain myself from saying much more because I don’t want my voice to be too loud, but at the same time I feel a bit like Ron Burgandy wanting to tell everyone how much he loves Veronica Corningstone lol.


Thanks @SweetCans928 !

As you seemed to be the first batch early bird (the first Brave Nine), we soon shall expect more feedbacks.

I saw your post on hf and glad to hear your impressions.

Many feedbacks confirmed my dream to present an anti-thesis to trophy expensive earphones is materializing :raised_hands:

We aimed to set a bar for those trophy earphones to beware , “finest sound for the rest of us” is there, and when every single time when they are offering the premium pricing to their product, this bar is there for them not to overcharge the asking tag over their intangible brand premiums.

At least, we’ve got an option.

We pay for the opportunity to show off how much extra cash we can dump into a hobby,


We pay for the sound to purely enjoy the music at its best. There is no showing off factor but do we really need to show off for this earphone hobby? At least for me, I don’t think so.

As an audiophile who witnessed the emergence of a new kind of earphones, the “In-Ear-Monitors”, from the classic Sennheiser MX450 earbuds, and the participation of various brands such as UE/Shure/Westone/Sony/Audiotechnica/JVC/AKG and Sennheiser with their IE7, IE8, I find it absurd that some brands charge a price that can buy a car for their earphones.

This trend needs a counterbalance for the sake of a sustainable wired earphone culture.

I’d excessively repeat, once the market is dictated by “pay-to-win” it dies very quickly.

We see some standing strong, like SoundRhyme, AuR, and I’d like to join that “threat” against expensive earphones.

History will fill the “Tabula-Rasa” by itself.


Just ordered Coreir Ear tips to pair with Butastur.

Gosh it’s the most expensive ear tips I ever purchased :sob::sob:

Maybe I made a bad choice as I’m going have a personal Japan trip in two months…

Anyway! Looking forward to see how this Softears UC+random brass acoustic tube would work.


It’s stated on Penon’s website that orders placed on 08/08 will be shipped out on 20/08. I placed my order on 09/08 (regrettably late). Any idea when mine will be shipped out @AmericanSpirit_JP ?

Also, where does the total sale number stand now?

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Will check it internally.

The volume is quite impressive. We are ordering additional 50 units of raw materials, so a total of 100 units.

If 100 units are all sold out. I bet this project could be legendary. Not sure how many of bigger brands ever sold that volume in a short period of time besides obvious models of truthear or moondrop, or KZ.

The one-man haute couture workshop is already hitting the cap😄

I’m proud of Jinny.



Now I would like to urge you to create a single or multi-DD model :smiley: I would like to name it Cygnus, after swans.



Yes we tried metal shells for Butastur as well which also can be applied to DDs.

Unfortunately his shop is not like large manufacturers, he doesn’t have a precision CNC machines but we will find out some alternatives.

But that will take some time, it took a good 9month from the scratch.

We test every single possible combinations.
I’m very very confident that not many other brands are motivated enough in testing various prototypes for one particular product (well maybe AFUL )


I will wait to hear a good news from you next year :grin:

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Just confirmed order placed on 8/9 will also be on 8/20 shipment🌙


So my order has been shipped!!
Right on time! Now the waiting begins…

@AmericanSpirit_JP if your partnership with Night Oblivion continues, a multiple DD would be amazing. Just look cult following that the Serial has.

Personally I would love to see someone came up with a 4DD IEM :smirk:

A very small DD for the treble, to make sure it has the details and the air normally reserved to BA or EST IEMs.

Then 2 DD for the mids, the star of the show granting amazing detail retrieval, layering and imaging. It could be one DD for the lower treble, upper mids and the other for the lower mids…

Finally a bigger DD for the Bass.

The idea would be to try to emulate a speaker sound as closely as possible…

One can dream :smile:

Anyway, keep the good work!


I hear it as similar to UC but with more clarity and texture preserved. UC is balanced with good bass transmission but smoothens texture. I prefer brass COREIR ever so slightly more than H570 on Butastur 0-0.

Fifty dollars is just not fair pricing though.


Look at you (and your team), being a little engine that could, almost being like the Dunu SA6 Ultra sale. Congrats!


Are you anticipating producing more than projected 100 units?
Perhaps after Jinny takes a pause from assembly for a deserved siesta.

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Not sure at this moment.

But I’m not going to conduct “limited time offer” type marketing, like those premium brands are doing, I know that approach will add a “fake” scarcity premium even though it is actually not that tightly limited. It’s just a bargaining technic which I don’t really enjoy seeing that to be practiced on this hobby.

So to be honest, it solely depending on Jinny’s willingness and his capacity and resources.

Right now making 10 units per 2 weeks is at his best production capabilities. He simply is one a one-man army, with no back ups. He is also not from Shenzhen, a very minor region of China where you can’t find skilled staffs like they do in Shenzhen, so it has to be a one passionate and gifted man conducting craftsmanship.

Procurement shall be no issue, it’s just one man’s productivity that I can’t guarantee on his behalf.


It’ll be comforting to know that you guys will produce for demand, rather than just cutting off lol


Can you try the S&S, please? :3

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