No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Also I didn’t know the story behind her
song " Control’

it touched my heart really

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Im a sucker for female voices 🤷

Because you a Man… So make sense honey :blush:

Edit… Oh wait You mean when it comes to music :sweat_smile:

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Errr yeah :joy: i prefer female to male vocals!

Lol… I got you now :grin:


The sounds of waves along with her voice reminded me of one my fav tracks for female vocals

I love her voice. Also a sucker for the accent.

Try this one… I like her voice

Alao this one

Will take a listen, let the recs keep coming :slight_smile: watching a tv show atm with my girl, iem free zone :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay… My dear no worries :blush:

I am not joking… Every time I listen to this song … I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be just fine.


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You were closer than you realized. I feel asleep for a few hours in an attempt to regain a few ZZZs.

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Oh… I’m a girl. I’m just not that much of one. :wink:

You win. You hands down win the day sir.

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lol, go girl!

Mark being pretty tough on the Prism… I was looking forward to this IEM because I am such an O2 fan but I guess I made the right choice skipping this one.

He like the Hana more than the Prism. Ouch!

DUSK > Darling > PRISM That’s gotta hurt at the PRISM’s price point.

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But they are really pretty. I had already skipped it when I saw the driver config, but it does look amazing.

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That they are. What, 6 months ago, the Prisim was the IEM I was mostly excited about. I’d like to know what the cable feels like. The cable looks like nothing I’ve seen before.

Let’s goooo :joy::joy:

Ouch… But but they look gorgeous…

I thought they will be great… I am watching the video

Sorry my dear, you came in right at the end.

Agreed beautiful IEM with Sapphire glass.

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Oops… Yeah I see it is live now … It is okay I will watch it later…

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