No Serious Business - IEM Edition

While you’re waiting…

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I LOVE it :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

WoW… He is sooooo good

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Timmy! I do like him. Watching now,

Hmmm… MOONDROP - “Best looking anime girl?” Don’t know how I feel about that. It’s possible Timmy doesn’t know about the MOONDROP controversy?


Maybe he doesn’t… But I watch his reviews from time to time just for fun…

Personally, speaking the reason I avoid MoonDrop cuz the fit… And I had bad experience with Starfield due to QC issues.

Me too. I enjoy his personality.

Sorry. :cry: Didn’t you have issues with the paint? The Starfield got me into the IEM hobby. It was the first IEM that I was able to seal in my ears. Then I was like… OMG!


Some of my own personal recordings as promised…


It is all good…

Actually the fit was great for me as well with the Starfield…

But I had to replaced it 3 times lol

First one… It was a faulty unit… there was no sound coming from the drivers at all. I was kinda surprised cuz never that happened to me before with different brands.

The second, and the third starfield
the driver died

3 weeks after use for the second one,
2 months after use for the third one…

Not all of them just the left driver…

It was a very bad luck for me when I started with MoonDrop :joy::joy::joy:

I wanted to buy the Blessing 2, but they were in the bigger side… So I said Fu*k it.


Acoustic playground gives off serious desperado movie kinda vibes, very nice.

The second track (time of regret) shows up as Gordon Hempton - Sandspit for some reason, still very good.

The third (wait for sleep) is that your singing… you have some serious vocal chops, love the piano and the lyrics are very nice.

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Thank you for sharing some of your personal recordings…

I will download them when I get home

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I do everything on all these recordings. Everything. I try. I wrote Acoustic Playground and Time of Regret but Wait for Sleep is a Dream Theater cover. Here is the original if anyone is interested…

I am honored you appreciate my work.

These recordings were done on my MAC and I have no idea why the tags say that. I pulled these out because another member I have been PM’ing with asked to hear them so I thought I’d share with the rest of you.

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OMG I’m so sorry. That’s awful!!! Blessing 2 does have a very large shell. Don’t try one of the original Thieaudio tribrids then. They are even larger.

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The original is nice, but whether it is the mix or just the difference in vocals I like the less softer more defined vocals in your cover a bit more.

Unfortunately even the Oracle is a pretty similar size to the Variation shell design just a different shape.

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OMG you don’t know what that means to me. Thank you so much!!! Dream Theater are one of my favorite bands.

These recordings are fairly old so I didn’t even know how to edit tags back then. They have been fixed and the link updated. Thanks for point them out to me. I don’t even have them on my system where I actually listen to music. lol

Wow r … You are so talented… U play piano? And you can sing as well?? :scream::scream:

Beautiful really… I love all of these tracks… I am impressed…

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I grew up singing in church. My dad was a preacher part time/machinist full time and we used to go around the country singing and my dad gave sermons. We also used to sing/give sermons to the Open Door Mission and hand out food to the homeless when I was young. So I had a very musical start to my life.

When I was a teenager, I started playing guitar and was in different bands, writing our own music and playing live in clubs until I went to college. After I gave up the band life, I decided I wanted to do everything myself and didn’t want to rely on others to be musically creative.

Later in life, I’ve become obsessed with recording, mixing and mastering. I feel I suck at the art but I love it and I love listening to music in general and it’s probably why I enjoy the audiophile hobby as much as I do, both as a creator and listener.


Don’t be… It is okay… Yeah I have seen some reviews they mentioned the shell size of Thieaudio tribrids IEMs…

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I love choral music.

No kidding… you are so talented… I mean… Play guitar… Piano… And you can also sing…

I am not joking…