No Serious Business - IEM Edition

(they aint bad…)


Another anime with GREAT OST. :joy:

Want some fidelio x3?

You have it?

Yeah lol. Also dekoni pads

Was Lokahi’s BA timbre why it didn’t cut it for you?

Oh boy.

R70x and sundara are enough for my open back collection

Im serious lol

Its a big box

Kinda. Couldnt justify it with teas on my side. Also wanted to pick ej07m

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I assume you prefer the SE12 over the GT12?

What’s the reason for that if you don’t mind me asking?

Graph looks like it has hotter upper mids/treble.

Sell it then. :joy:

Trying… 🥲 No joke

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Were they very similar to the Teas to your ear?

No, more treble than Teas. Worse timbre. More midbass, less sub

I liked them. No joke. Just couldnt keep hoarding

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Sorry, I can’t keep up here and on Discord at the same time. I’m not that skilled at multitasking. I’m old remember!

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I see.

I kind of like collecting at least one of each type so I’m looking into something all BA thats super value. Based on the short experiences I have had with all BA sets (3x Campfire Audio sets mainly), I didn’t really like them as much which is why I don’t really want to spend too much on them.

At the same time I’d rather get something that represents the all-BA IEMs well.

The talk about the GS audio stuff perked my ears.

I am actually also secretly considering buying all of the S and A tier (non-modified) sets that are in @Rikudou_Goku’s list that are about $100 or less once @Resolution found the DQ6.

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Same, thats why i wanted rsv. U12T messed me up, I want a mini version of that, but good luck without brraking bank :frowning:

I might just short my list to 4 iems atm

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RSV is not that cheap man! Ha ha.

Oh and I totally want a mini U12T if I could, if the price was reasonable! Keep me updated if you find one!

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I do prefer slightly brighter IEMS

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