No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Darling, those two together are like 40 bucks :joy:

Rsv is 700. Only way i get rsv is if I dont get Mest mk2

26$. Resolution recs them so I got it

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Oh y the KZ … Yeah yeah they are cheap…

Lol I got confused I thought you purchased the AudioSense DT600… My bad

But look… This store DUDO, and MagicsAudio Store on AliExpress…

Just ask them if they have the Rsv, and you will be shocked for the price

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Yeah, thats what ill do if I ever run into buying those. That’s how I got ej07m so cheap :slight_smile:

I took a nap, no urge to buy anything anymore 🤷

@Resolution my dq6 has been shipped. Start getting your tombstone

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Spent my lunch money on it. Better be good.

What tips you using? And what cable material?

I’m using the stock tips and this is the cable I just ordered earlier today…

Better on low or high gain?

Balanced or SE? Did you a/b?

Also, where would it fit in your ranking list? A?

#1 Screw my tier list. It doesn’t exist anymore.

I never listen to any IEMs on high gain ever. Always low gain. Even difficult to drive IEMs.

I prefer balanced connections because of my mobile amp has a 4.4 balanced input and I generally feel if you have a balanced amp, you will be benefiting from it.

The DQ6 can be easily run off a phone with the included 3.5 cable.

I recommend the DQ6 over the FH3.


You really taking this srsly?

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Just spoke to Xinhs. He can do one of the cables I want but twisted with grey hardware:

Purple one is 55$. I kinda love it tho, it’s freaky, but I’m not sure I wanna spend 55usd on a freaky cable atm. I’ll sleep on it.

Photo credits and recs to @paulwasabii


Can they do the same material but black? I mean like the purple one

Yes, it’s almost the same cable me and reso are getting for EJ

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Okay dear… Thank you🌹

So I ended up buying the black and the purple one, Xinhs got me a deal for both :man_shrugging:

Oh and the QDC cable for DQ6 :slight_smile:

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Same materials for the black, and the purple?
It is like fabric?

It’s this cable!

The purple is not fabric i think. Its the same as these:

Thsnk you dear :kissing_heart:… I am dumb :joy::joy:… I ask the same questions… Sorry :hugs:

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