No Serious Business - IEM Edition

No worries. You should get the back one to match mine and @Resolution’s 07m :wink:

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I will… For sure but I want to see your custom cable once you receive it, and @Resolution

I think they will be identical… Except the logo…

But I am really curious… Do you have a purple IEM? Lol

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Nah, I’m not matching. I’ll prolly use it on teas :slight_smile: I just like the cable.

My Oxygen will be paired with the 4core graphene with grey hardware and Mest Mk2 with it’s stock cable :slight_smile:

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@Resolution… U better hide… He is not alone… So 2 vs 1
giphy (12)


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I actually like the smoke color from @Resolution 's cable for DQ6, alternative would be like really dark copper or sth…

What do you meeeeeeeeeeannnnnnnnn?


@nymz Come here, please

Perfect color, but bad cable :joy:



Okay, good good I thought you didn’t like… The color I picked <<< I am joking with you :kissing_heart:

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We have thread like this for a reason :rofl:

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200 (2)

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I bought this for DQ6

And I got the silver/clear model:

Yeah, I know but @Rainlynd doesn’t like the color u chose so…

Troll away.

But don’t act surprised when @Godria kicks your ass :rofl: she’s a badass.


That just makes him special… What can we say. I still like him. Just a bit less.

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Get Teas, then I’ll revisit your case. :rofl:


giphy (13)

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I will, give me some time. Also I have a deal on this vinyl :wink:

@Rikudou_Goku summoning you here since this is a pararel but off-topic to that thread.

I’m about to do a ranking list for personal use. In you opinion, if you had to quantify price to value ratio, what equation would you use? I’m interested in your insight.

Price / Total rating (let’s say 1-10 or 1-100) ?