No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Nope. I guess Iā€™ll need to order more cables!

Graphene anyone? :slight_smile:

@Rikudou_Goku I think he just flexed on youā€¦

Reso, itā€™s not about having the bigger cable, is about knowing when and where to use it :wink:

(donā€™t put it on ventsā€¦)

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That sure is a crazy amount of cables. Jesusā€¦

Wellā€¦ @Rikudou_Goku obviously has proven to all of you today that I have no knowledge how to properly use my cable. :laughing:


I bet itā€™s 2k worth for the whole spare cables.

Broā€¦ you better up that number lol (im counting with the ones being used as well)

well, hey. The stock cable is also blocking the vent lol.

Maybe now you will like the 03 with the mesh mod more than the mele? :wink:

I do not see any vent with my eyes.

Iā€™m too busy replying in this thread to actually try a different cable.

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Just do it. Have faith. :rofl:

OMG, thatā€™s a vent? I can hardly even see that!

Iā€™m doing it. I just found a cable I like.

yeah, its quite hard to see actually. So go try a cable now. :smirk:

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Iā€™m using a 40$ cable on that 26$ set. Please donā€™t tell me youā€™re even more stupid than me :rofl:

lol, I love it when @Rikudou_Goku takes me to school! :slight_smile:

Listening now.

Mele has a softer presentation and it fits much better and it is more comfortable. I am hearing more treble extension on the BL-03 and everything sounds slightly less veiled.

Mele is the more relaxing listen and the BL-03 is more visceral.

I need to test the Blon with and without the cable that is blocking the vent next.

EDIT: I think there is a difference with the cable not blocking the vent. Itā€™s not a huge difference though.


He was trolling you, will sound the same. Try golden cables now.

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Just use the normal 2pins and u okayā€¦ I believeā€¦

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Is it okay to use the normal 2pins? I am using the 2pins on my blon

Yep, thats what I am using as well.

Cuz I got confusedā€¦ I thought it must be a QDC