No Serious Business - IEM Edition

If it is like the CCA NRA just with a different brand name then… it is interesting and has some uses, but is only so so overall.

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aight, ty for the input

gonna get the IE300 and see how I like it

There’s a new review on hf frontpage about ie300 if you interested :slight_smile:

ah yeah, finished reading it just now actually when your message came in :smiley:

Well, I got the IE300 and have to say: I was not impressed. Not at all.

The Bass is truly great, both in quality and quantity. Coherency, Details, Staging and Positioning were great as well, especially considering this is a single DD. I’d argue this is one of the most capable DDs out there in any IEM.

It just sucks that none of this matters when the Tonality is not to my liking. While the Bass is excellent, the Mids are where trouble starts. Male Vocals still sound good, a bit too pushed back for my taste but still good. Female vocals however sound way to recessed or pushed back. In Tracks where they should be the focus they are to far removed already, and in Tracks were they aren’t it is even worse. All of this continues throughout the Treble. It‘s a Dark sounding IEM, and I found that for myself that Tuning just isn’t it.

Comfort and Fit is first class. I can understand why many claim these are so comfortable, they were for me as well. Small and I barely noticed they were in my Ear. Build quality is good as well, although I dislike the recessed MMCX Connector. A standard one would have been better.

I can recommend the IE300 to anyone who wants a Dark Sounding IEM with great Bass and Good Technicalities that‘s non-fatiguing and incredibly comfortable (I‘m talking 24/7 Levels of „can stay in your ear“). It just isn’t for me and I sadly have had to return it :confused:

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Do you have experience with other dark iems? Like the Final Audio E5000, Sony XBA-Z5/N3?

Is the 6-9k region fine? Seems like it could be too much for some.

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It‘s weird because I heard nothing of the peak that‘s supposed to be there at about 6 to 9 khz

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Also yeah, this was my first „proper“ dark sounding IEM as I‘ve never heard any and wanted to see if I like that kind of tonality, but now I know I like more energy/sparkle in my upper midrange/treble :smiley:

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@Rikudou_Goku I kept looking for an IEM with great bass and came across the Fiio FH3. The tuning looks to my liking (not being too dark) and the price looks good as well, plus you praised them highly in your review. Do you still think they are worth it?

Yeah, if you dont mind unnatural BA timbre and incoherency. They are still great.

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Nice, think I‘ll get them then. Always wanted to hear what Beryllium DDs are like and seems like a good gateway.

ty for your input btw, appreciate it

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I really enjoy mine, I find with some bassy iems the other frequencies can sound lacking. With the fh3, the bass is plentiful and impacting while vocals and other instruments still remain present and details of a song can still be heard.

If you’ve already got them by now, enjoy!

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Yeah, kinda forgot to post about it. Had mine for almost two weeks by now and really like them. Bassy, but neither bloated nor bleeding into the mids. Treble doesn’t sound recessed or peaky either. Just what I wanted. They are a great addition to my collection and complement my Variations, Bravery and Aria well.

Thank you again to @Rikudou_Goku for the recommendation. These really are a great set at their price.


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May they Rest well in Dongle heaven.

Smartphone slipped out of my hand and fell down the stairs. 3.5mm Plug slipped out but the Dongle stayed in. The Smartphone is Fine (as it should, thanks Case and front glass), but the Dongle stayed in. The port itself is completely fine too, but for the Dongle, yeah….


If my stack drops on the floor… The floor breaks :sunglasses: