No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Anyone else listening to music with their eyes closed?

I mean, when possible :sweat_smile:

I find that it immediately buffs the imaging capability of the IEM and consequently increases immersiveness.
Shutting one sense off enhances another.

I mean I never listening to music with eyes close, unless Iā€™m sleeping, but thatā€™s when I put my volume around 30%.

Iā€™ve seen a few people on here talk about doing that, I know for some it would allow them to focus more on whatā€™s playing rather than any visual distractions. I have done it a few times myself since I can get distracted quite easily :sweat_smile:


Is there a general IEM purchase advice thread?

Specifically, I am trying to determine if mest or z1r level iems are worth the jump for me.

Also refining my FR desires with cheaper models. (Mele). I would love more high quality cheap suggestions.

I also have desktop amping questions. I have gone through a fair number of amps and was not impressed.

Anywhere to go for all kinds of general advice?

Best way of doing it is to create your own ā€œspec meā€ kind of thread to get more personal advice :wink:

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Cool. Will do! Other forums seem to discourage personal threads and I didnā€™t want to assume.



I feel like questions like that always get lost in the bigger threads so personally prefer the idea of personal ones


Say, can all of ya give me some input on the best IEMs youā€˜ve heard regarding Bass? Searching fore something purely for Electronic Music, but doesnā€™t have to be restricted to it

(Yeah I know I got the Variations, but Iā€˜m simply looking for something different)

Thought about trying the IE300, can always return it if I donā€™t like it

Probably out of price bracket, but dunu zen has the best bass I have heard on anything.

DDā€™s with beryllium have a delicious sense of bounce and spring-like tempo.

I have not heard either of these but they are known for having prodigious bass response:
IE900, IER Z1R, Empire Ears Odin, Empire Ears Bravado Mk2, Xenns Up, Monarch, Unique Melody MEST Mk2.

Oh, and the Dunu Zenā€™s have best sense of slam but so-so sub-bass apparently.

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Yee, I tried both the Monarch and Variations and went for the Variations in the end, but both are excellent.

Regarding Beryllium, the Fiio IEMs got Beryllium DDs right?


Very tempting to hit the order button. Gotta wait for more reviews and comparisons against DQ6 modded and then I may pull the trigger.

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Think Imma just budge and get the IE300. Read a good bunch of positive impressions and can return them.

Dearly love my HD560s and 600. Old Mate Senny has never disappointed me, so I hope dir IE300 doesnā€™t either

Fiioā€™s FH3 and FH7 are Be (not sure about the FH5). I happen to have the FH3 and the UP - the FH3 is good for my ears and library (mostly rock/metal).

The UP is on a whole different level, but higher price bracket as well though. The UP doesnā€™t work for everything I listen to - but when it works, oh yeah. If electronic makes up the majority of your listening youā€™ll be interested in @nymz take on the Up.

@mmkzero as well

I want to clarify this a bit, itā€™s not so-so, itā€™s just not naturally as elevated. I donā€™t EQ so I have not spent much time adjusting it. But I have applied basshead EQ to the Zen and it gets ridiculous.

Unfortunately, my Zen is not functional or I would do a direct comparison of timeless to zen with EQ to match timeless. I suspect it will perform very well. But planar articulation of the timeless will still beat it in precision.

I own var and do mainly eletronic. Can help with it if you need.

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Might be out today.

Be afraid of FiiO treble. Be very afraid.

Yeah, gladly.

I have found my personal plateau (or at least, three sets that Iā€˜ll never sell) in the Variations, Bravery and Aria.

Thing is, I practically listen to every type of music but electronic still makes up a big part of it. Variations is so good with that but since itā€˜s subbass focused I donā€™t necessarily need something better, but different. Thatā€™s why Iā€˜ve been interested in the UM 3DT and Sennheiser IE300.

What would you suggest? :slight_smile:

Oh, for my eletronic I also need mid-bass so my Variations will be out the door next week. I have a problem with anemic mid bass sets. I still find Variations top tier on sub-bass and treble areas, tho (i like slight less treble than it but itā€™s still fine).

I have no experience with the 3DT or IE300, but they are bass heavyyy, so you should be fine. Iā€™ll have DQ6 for funz and lolz next week, so I can get a slight idea of 3DT tuning as well.

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