No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Don’t if you just don’t like KZ, but do it if you wanna try something and won’t be upset if it isn’t the greatest thing ever.

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The pinna gain starts a little early doesn’t it? But no 5K peak baby! :laughing:

The DQ6 is very atypical of KZ IMO

Yes, that is similar to how LZ likes it.

I’ll do some review reading and decide. If you tell me no tho, it’s a no. :slight_smile:

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Yeah for sure… I mean it is only $24-30 so why not…

Work is done, I’m ready to fill a cart.

Damn it! I’ve already run out of hearts. So sorry people. I can’t give out any more hearts for today.

I know, it makes me very sad. :cry:

#1 Oxygen.

I swear, everytime I hear something I haven’t heard in a while with 07m i’m like:

This is making me not want to spend 1.5k on Mest lol

First thing I checked, no sales on it…

Do not worry about it :kissing_heart:

Here you go


Cant live without oxygen, can you? :smirk:

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Then don’t. You’ve heard it so no big deal. EJ07 may very well be your endgame. Enjoy it. No one needs to do the stupid sh.t I do collecting these things.

No @Rikudou_Goku I can’t. Probably the best rec you gave me and the funny this was I bought it just to prove you wrong, that it wasn’t going to be any better than the Moondrop Harmans.

Boy was I wrong.

You have to agree though it takes a good man to admit when he was wrong and I admit I was wrong and you were right.

You’re the master!


I’m pretty sure their 64BA IEM will run circles around pretty much everything you own :joy:

Maybe, but should I wait for the 128 or not? I can’t decide. :frowning:

Lol, they aint the in the same league.

Its quite the one sided beating.

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64 bit meme, but backwards.

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They will come next month, can you wait that long?

32BA each side?? What’s next? A speaker and some tape? Jeez

(ima need that thing anyway, I’m a freak around here that likes BA sets >_>)

…I know you are joking but…

There is one iem with 24 BA each side.

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