No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Damn, that’s a pitty because that CSN graph looks great.

Looks like I am going to pass on the Falcon Pro, well for now at least. Too specialized in something I have covered already to my preference. That leaves a tanchjim O2 if they ever have the black version come back in stock or the Ej07M now that I know there is a non 70’s style version.


Me too, at least for the time being. I don’t see much point with the Oxygen in hand. Maybe for the 11.11 event though?

Damn, thats like 12 usd

Well, everyone will either be safe or damned in a couple of days. Resolution is getting his set… If he loves it, I can see the photos and the hype train. If not, your wallets are safe. For me? End-game baby.

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I read some reviews, too much bass from what I see.

You were far too dangerous, I didn’t need Res. I kinda was a little interested in it when I got my Variations and the Oracle from Res… but despite the reviews I red that style just looked horrible to me so I had skipped it in my mind. Then you brought up the beautiful black version… blaming you for this one.

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What a beauty. Bought it the samr day I demoed them. Now just need that black cable and we goldeeen

The issue is probably the QC, bass tuning looks great to me, its more sub-bass over mid-bass. So it should be clean.

That looks pretty sweet to me as long as the 8K is resonance.

Absolutely, especially if you’re looking for an overall balanced sound.

I just realized my target line is pretty close to Riku pre 1k and Paul Wasabi post 1k. Though I don’t need quite as much bass as Riku I just prefer that kinda of line with it being more linear down then rolled off.

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Here you go lol.


What software do you use to generate that?


That graph is averaging mine and paul´s graph.

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Thanks a lot.

Looks like I need to do some studying on how to do EQ properly.

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I bought a mic to take my own measurements but I’ve been struggling with getting anything that resembles an accurate measurement.

No clue what is going on with your measurements…

I would ask MRS (super reviews) for help over on discord.

No worries. I already spoke to him about it and he gave me some tips but they didn’t amount to much progress.

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I might be able to share something with those of you interested sometime this weekend if I get the time. Let me know if anyone is interested in hearing some of my personal music I have written, recorded, mixed and mastered.

There are a few of you that have already heard a few of my songs but I thought I’d open it up and share with more of you if anyone is interested.

Let me know if you are.


Theres new stuff? Gimma soma that