Nymzreviews.com official thread

I agree, @nymz, your English is fine, brother. Your reviews are informative, easy to follow and most importantly, entertaining to read. The format is great and organized and translating that to video shouldn’t be too difficult. You’d kill it, man!


Thanks everyone for the kind words. It warms my soul. Also @PopinTeddy is the man behind my spell checking, so all the english quality derives from him. Huge shoutout :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Regarding the reviews, the extension and testing I usually do take a giant toll. This type takes days of testing and messing around, which means that I cannot fully review everything I touch. Most loaners and cheap stuff will just have a brief one, as time is short.

Guess I should say something about this one huh :smirk::upside_down_face:


nymz, I must say that I am blown away by the amazing selections of music you offer as examples in your reviews. Some music that I cannot even find for sale.
Wow. And I agree with everyone else, that you could do a great job of reviewing on YT. I am not sure what you would bring to that kind of presentation that you are not already doing so very well now in written form? Only you can answer that question.
But God bless you, however you go, oh yeah, congratulations on the promotion!!!


Thanks for the words Wayne! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We are just starting!


Rare pics of a gift from my fellow buddy @Rikudou_Goku. You can check out his work pretty soon, I’m sure.

RG Buds - Unreleased model (probably a 1 out of 2 or so)

Not just it is rare but my gf stole it :sweat_smile:


Oh yeah, that one sure is rare. Was the first bud I ever made. :smirk:

If you are interested here is my first batch I am selling:


This idea is also lingering in my mind whether to have a complete tea set :sweat_smile: or to save up more for something higher on the board.

If you can add a couple bucks on a good sale, I’d go EJ07m/Kinda Lava.


Look at him, playing with his New toy. So cute!! :blush:

I would do the exact same thing.

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It’s fun to play with!

Some nice goodies coming today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I will heed your guidance, nymz sensei!

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how does tea2 compares with olina ? (will you add more comparisons for tea2, i loved it in your olina review where you did a lots of comparisions, it gives us perspective) thanks

I can but only by memory since I have no Olina for a a while (I donated my pair to @clee and I have yet to get another).

They are not substitutes to me, but compliments. I prefer Teas techs and tuning, but Olina’s timbre and mid bass impact.

Olina fits better my classical and Jazz library while the Tea2 fits the rest.

I will add more comparisons as I can :slight_smile:

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Many thanks to @Tonytex_Teixeira for loaning this for a spin.

Let the games begin!


For those that remember @Rikudou_Goku’s exploits with the Gs Audio gd3a, they have finally (yay) released the gd3c and gd3d. They both have a newly updated dd and now have vent holes in the body. They say the 3c is close the 3a in tuning while the 3d has a it’s treble pulled back to focus more on the mids. Maybe a mini tea?


Akros AKA @Tonytex_Teixeira already has a review of the GS Audio GD3C.


Sweet. I might have to pick up set for myself.


Anyone listened to both “Moondrop B2 Dusk” & “Xenns Mangird Tea2”…? Curious to know how Tea2 fares in comparison with B2 Dusk.

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I think I saw a reddit post comparison lately. But yeah Tea2 is dark (I have one) while Dusk seems to be neutral according to some reviews.

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Really depends on your library and at what volume you listen to.

High volume: Tea no brainer

Mid-volume: Dusk

Rock, Indie, Alternative, Vocals/Ballads: Tea

Pop, JPOP, K-POP, EDM, Classical: Dusk

Both plays R&B, Jazz, and hip hop well.

Tea has better mids and vocals, more 3D.
Dusk has sparklier treble and sub-bass.

How I rank them: JAY's IEM Ranking List - Google Sheets

According to Nymz Tea2 is an upgrade over OG in-terms of staging, sub-bass, and treble.