Nymzreviews.com official thread

Another thing that I feel like doesn’t get talked about a lot with chifi is longevity. Things move so quick that I feel like it’s rare for people to have or use an iem for more than a year. Of the chifi IEMs that seem to have “stood the rest of time” it seems like most develop serious, fundamental failures such as faceplate issues with moondrop or driver failures in the Teas. I don’t think the actually failure rates of these devices are known and so it could just be a small percentage but in comparison the IER-Z1R has been out for years and I haven’t heard of any fundamental long term issues with it. Sure you could argue (and this person does) that I could buy 15 Olina’s for the price of the Z1R so even if a handful fail I will still have a working IEM but thats a very consumerist viewpoint that I personally do not like. I prefer to buy one thing and expect it to last. If I have to pay a premium for that I am okay with it.


Yep. I was interested in his opinion, so I posted it here. Musicians aren’t audiophiles, they’re just musicians and they want something that works for them. Olina does stage work like the other ChiFi, but it doesn’t play the music like the Z1R or IE600. And my opinion is that it’s not good to pay a lot of money for an IEM, but if there is an IEM that sounds amazing to my ears, the price doesn’t matter!
I think it is good to own 1-2 TOTL IEM. :wink:


I like this. Its awesome that we don’t have to pay an arm and leg for SQ now but sometimes something clicks with you and it costs what it costs.


Moondrop’s recent releases have been just as interesting as a saltine cracker.

When are they going to make more flagships? I don’t think anyone wants more budget IEMs.


Sales would say otherwise. But it would be nice if they stopped making the SAME budget IEMs.

They just released three DSP IEMs…are they even really different at all, besides the shapes of the pieces?


wouldn’t complain about an illumination 2 but tbh if I didn’t get my illumination at a insane deal I wouldn’t have one, same with my IE900 for the price I got it I decided it’s worth keeping but MSRP hell no lol

how do you like the IE900? Reviews are polarizing but I would love to try one some time

best soundstage of an IEM I’ve heard, cable and connector aside I imagine they’re great for gaming, pretty good for music as well imo but Illumination is more my preference.


After 4 months of waiting there is a status update on my EJ07M. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m taking bets on the price. Looks good, will it sound good. :sunglasses:

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It’s going to be kilobuck range, up to $1500


I bet $1600! :roll_eyes:

999 Bucks…

I can confirm the Cadenza 12 is a nice sounding IEM. Love the cable. Not sure if it’s worth over a Kilobuck in my opinion, however.


A German shop (Hifi Passion) got it listed for 2300€
They also provided a unit for a demo tour, will get my hands on it soon and report back :slight_smile:


WTF?! 2300 euro is a brutal price :astonished:


Wow this is… out of my range despite being their fan! Anyone can share how do they sound? FR looks interesting but I prefer 07/07M tuning tbh

Holy Jesus Christ … that is absolutely eye watering. I can’t justify it being that much.

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I believe @SoundJedi had some time with this, although he said that the treble was a touch too high for him.

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Over $2k I think HBB said. Probably still has driver flex like my EJ’s lol

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