Nymzreviews.com official thread

Damn me, YOLO bought them because I was not alone on this irrational decision…

Now we need to start some fake hype train, so if they turn out to be not that good at least we would be able to sell them :stuck_out_tongue:

Master prophet of S12 Cult


I went in on the S12 and DAC bundle since my new phone doesn’t have a 3.5mm jack.


Congratz boiiiiiiiiiis, let me know how it fares. Damn, now I feel excluded :smirk:


Letshuoer’s site doesn’t work, very crappy site! But I still managed to contact them and get something I had been thinking of buying for a long time! :fire: :metal: :boom: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Tape pro? :smirk::grimacing:

Mmmmm. I was thinking of taking them, but no … :sunglasses:

No way i get them now. It’s too risky. Not enough feedback for now. 120$ with no return policy, ain’t gonna happen.

I’ll be strong.

I’ll be strong.I’ll be strong I’ll be strong I’ll be strong. I’llbestrong I’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrongI’llbestrong…

Muuuust… Resiiiiiist


Haha, they really don’t have return policy. The website on return policy is dead link :slight_smile:
Good luck for us YOLO buyers

Now it works LETSHUOER | Refund and Returns Policy

Shit site, but great customer service if you contact @shuoer (@LETSHUOER on discord) LOL

Merry Christmas yall :christmas_tree:

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Double trouble - a Timeless revision

The month is September, the year is 2021 and the place is hifiguides forums. 7hz Timeless gets realeased and opinions start to spread around, polarizing people. Some people praise it like the last cookie on heart, others didn’t like it that much or even sold it instantly. Some old story, same old business, just a different set. I decided to buy a set just to set the record straight to myself.

Weeks pass by and the first real QC problems show up with proof: Filters breaking or arriving already broken, shells opening in half showing lack of glue, mmcx conectors breaking up, channel imbalance, you name it. Most of these problems were on units brought during the first batch, until stock ran out. There was a downtime from 7hz to re-stock the market which was strange, but understandable.

Wasn’t until later that the first units of the following batch came along and praises rose up and haters had left the building. 7hz Timeless hype has cooled off a bit and, as always, spotlights are turned into other new arrivals. During this batches, a very kind guy PM’d me with photos of some strange tips that came with his set, and the journey started all over again. 30 mins later, some photos thrown into the fire and a lot of video reviews checking, we now had proof of what there was going on: Timeless had a revision right after the first units.

Tips? Different. Packaging of tips? Different. Filters? Different. People’s toughts on them? Different.

Say no more, thanks for courier delays, impacience and a touch of insanity, I got another set sent to me by express shipping (big thanks to Dudo Audio Store on Aliexpress, you guys rock!). Yes, the initial suspitions are correct: there was a revision, probably due to shortage of components/acessories:

  • Tips are different;
  • Tips now come in 2 plastic boxes and not plastic bags;
  • My “oldest” unit has a VIP CARD with the S/N on it - Mine is the #533, - while my most recent one does not;
  • The carrying brick case is slight different on the inside and the oldest one has 5 circular magnets while the newer one has only a big one;
  • Splitter and terminations on the cable are different, dispite the very close looks between the two. The wire itself is the same.

Yes, yes, no one cares about these, right? So, what about the sound?

Well, tuning is VERY alike. I’d say inside the placebo/unit variation margin of error. The techs are all the same to me but stage depth and height. There might be a slight difference but once again, under the margin of error.

Conclusion: There’s no significant differences between my 2 units, let alone stuff that makes you change opinions about the set. I’m also not even sure the most average consumer would find them, at least without trying to look for them during some hours of critical listening.

I will keep using my most recent unit as it was the first one I got and the other one will find a very welcoming home somewhere.

Disclaimer: Both units where tested using Spinfits CP100, stock cable 4.4m and connected to Xduoo XD-05 Balanced. My usual library was shuffled on then a BIG rise and repeat round of Agnes Obel - The Curse to finish it off. I will also take better pics once I’m back home.


So it’s perhaps a blessing in disguise with the shipping trouble that you got one OG + one revised, so that you can do a immediate comparison between the two, eh? :see_no_evil:


Yeah, you could say so. My brain likes it, my wallet mournes it :rofl:

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And my wallet is crying, but my ears are happy. They are expected to arrive in mid-January and stir my brain :relieved:


Congratz! Hope you enjoy it as much as people around here :slight_smile:

EJ07m is a beast for the price. I love it :slight_smile:


I think mine’s arriving today — just an Atlantic Ocean between me and them, that’s all! When I get back home it’ll be second Christmas


Hope you get them soon enough! Everyone should try a planar at least once. I just figured it out right now :rofl:

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Nice - I’m seriously considering these, so look forward to your impressions and how they handle the metal in your library :+1:


Metal won’t be a problem to EJ07m, I’m pretty sure :stuck_out_tongue:


Merry Christmas, dear audiophiles!

I love christmas season. The older I am, the more I enjoy it. When you are a kid, all you care is about the gifts or what Santa brought you. Later in life, you just find youself grateful for being surrounded by your dear ones, and that’s all the matters.

In my house, over the last years, one tradition stay the same. An infinite loop of Frank Sinatra’s christmas albuns, to make sure the vibe keeps going.

I’m not an emotional person, but I get a lot more during this season. I’d like to use the post number 1000 of this thread to wish you all and your families and dear ones a merry christmas, and hoping everyone stays safe during this hard times. Thanks for tuning in on this journey, for tagging along and, for what matters the most, sharing the love about music. Always remember, the Tea cult is just a bunch of friends and everyone is welcome, Tea or no Tea. PMs always open for whatever, even if just for a chat or if you feeling alone tonight.

Merry Mangird X’mas and happy new Tea. I love you all.

From yours trully,

nymz, the Reindeer


For all those looking around for OG EJ07 there is apparently OEM of them in Yinyoo ST7 for much lower price at certain occasions (600$ incl. VAT).


Some measurements were taken by head fi users Shuoer impressions thread | Page 147 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

It was on sale on Polish forum once for ~400$

Edit: thread from hifiguides on them: Yinyoo st7 4est 2ba 1dd 10mm

Michael Bruce review: