Official "Is Z a shill?" thread

I feel as though these people who get hurt by reviewers drop a lot of money on headphones right away rather than taking it easy and starting it off small with things like ksc 75’s and takstar pro 82’s and trying out what they do and don’t like. and using their own experiences and reviewers to guide their buying.


Ob, what’s the cliff notes for that 25 min video. I got tired of his monotone quickly…

The best way to get into the hobby is by simply listening to music with what you got and build up from there.


I am from France. Don’t get me started on the metric system.

whats wrong with the metric system? makes more sense than the imperial system.

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There’s no Quarter Pounders. Only Royales with cheese.


I’ve said this before, probably not here though. I find the best way to “use” reviewers is to see what they think of something you own, or have heard. See if their thoughts match up with yours. Continue with a few other items. Realize the differences you have with their opinions, and us those differences going forward with their reviews. If you find they don’t match up with your thinking, move on. I like watching about 4-5 different reviewers, and they all are different enough that I think I’m getting a spectrum of opinions. Zeos, DMS, Josh, Metal, & on occasion Bad Guy. I like his opinions, but he has been tending to ramble on about the same songs that he uses to test with repetitively lately. Needs a good editor to tighten up his videos.


From what I can tell, shill accusations come from folks who don’t like his review style, or who think that honest means a perfect bell curve of positive and negative reviews, centered on neutral. I go to Z like I would go to a friend who knows a lot about whatever subject they study, to hear whatever thoughts they have to share. Often people like sharing positive thoughts on what they care about.


cliff notes is he is a salty fuck who knows nothing, likes to misrepresent other people he doesn’t like, accuse them of things, changes what people say to make it fit his narrative, likes to ignore the downsides people specifically point out so that he can be pissy about them when he “discovers” that they are problems.
Oh and he likes to try to be a bad boy and pretend he can’t remember peoples names when he clearly does. Those first minutes after he got past the useless shit when he was trying to fake not remember Bad guy Good Audio, was cringe AF.

I think that sums it up.


The guy is a absolute hypocrite. Gets defensive about constructive criticism. Lacks any preparedness. He has a sense of arrogance of BGGA without any substance to back it up. His reviews are a ranting of info that is drawn-out and I also find it cringy AF.

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are we talking about NTR and his audiophile video posted above, or piling it on Z? LoL!

No one is piling on z most people in this forum really blike him me included watch most of his videos.

Yeah talking about NTR.

Zeos just reminds me of my friend that sells insurance, generally a good guy, has great stories, entertaining and can sell the shirt off your back. Not a shill but a salesman that knows how to highlight the positive of a product if its decent.


Yup talking about the salty cuck NTR…that actually really fits because Netorare aka NTR is hentai tag speak for being a giant cuck. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I find NTR when. He’s angry while. It being any use review wise is really Intertaining.

I was burned by his Superlux hd562 review. The headband broke on two different samples.

Sure he’s a shill, if you count boosting what he likes. I don’t have to agree and that’s my choice…OK?

I also feel you don’t want to rely on his technical info, not accurate imo. He’s great for the operation/comfort/use details.


very much agree with this I like that he picks up the product and the fact that his camera is always looking at the oroduct. my main issue with dms, metal , and joshua is the fact that they show their face when their talking I would rather more b roll or them actually showing off the product.

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NTR made a lot of sense in that video. It may seem as if he is coming of as a hater which I thought after watching one of his videos for the first time about 2 to 3 weeks ago. Z is my go to guy when it comes to reviews on audio gear but the more I watch him the more I see him as an entertainer and not a professional audio guy. He knows his shit though and can back it up when he wants to at times :joy: Josh is another reviewer I watch who doesn’t pay for items he reviews and doesn’t have the decency to give a better review than the average audiophile reviewer. Everyone one says the same thing and uses the same terms “oh this is to bright” “this is punchy” “this is sharp” and “awesome sound stage :joy: As a “new” guy to the audiophile scene i feel reviewers need to go more in-depth with the reviews. I had to google and do lots of research to figure out WTF these guys were talking about. NTR hit some good points and I can’t knock the man for his opinion, review the product ant not just showoff you have an expensive piece of gear. Nothing wrong with what he said. Z is still my guy though and I’m still going to enjoy Josh’s videos.

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