Oppo ha-2 firmware

Hi everyone,

Oppo have obviously gone bust and have taken down the firmware for most devices.

Does anyone have a copy of the windows drivers for an Oppo ha-2 please?
It’s not the SE model, only the basic HA-2 which does not see the SE version drivers.

Thank for reading.


This site claims to have it. I have no idea if it’s reliable, but if you google oppo ha-2 windows 10 driver there are a few possible sources that come up and this is just the first one.


Edit: here’s a second possibility: DriverMax - MEDIA - OPPO - OPPO HA-2 USB AUDIO 2.0 DAC Drivers Download

Edit 2: here’s a third: OPPO sound cards drivers download for Windows (32/64bit)

Just want to be clear that I have no experience with any of these sites, but these are the first three that I came across that actually have driver files for download when I follow the links. I haven’t checked them for correctness, usability, or safety.

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So did any of them work for you? I’m just curious.