Does anyone know of any good sites where I can find some stands similar to these?
Gator Stands on Amazon
I’m looking for taller ones.
I don’t have a lot of desk space and need them to come over the top of my screens and angle down towards me.
Preferably they will clamp onto the desk. It’s a motorized sit/stand desk. So floor stands are not ideal.
Thanks in advance.
make a rizer? 1 2x4, cut length to height, cut a notch in side at top for c clamp to clamp to. a c clamp isnt going to be that strong to begin with to make them any taller then a foot
Thanks for the input.
I might have to extend the sides of the desk out a little bit if possibe so I can center the screens better and bring the speakers forward. Cheers
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you can also use a pipe with a bolt on pipe base and slide the stands minus the slider base into the top of said pipe. wont be pretty, but you can paint it.