Recommended IEM Cables

Would rather order from xinhs save a bit of money, plus would rather support xinhs over linsoul.

Edit nvm the saving money part the graphing is about the same price. Would still probably get from xinhs if I wanted that cable.


When in promo, is like half of the price. Always worth :slight_smile:

True, but always depends on more than cores.

I own this cable and I rly like the looks and feels on it. But I can’t use it. Heavier than that 8 core graphene.

Yea true, some cables really look awesome!. But when they are heavy my ears just hurts after a while using them :sob: . Just had bad experience with a 8-core cable i had, hence the remark

Wow 480 cores that should rip through cinebench.


Lol, just spilled my water.

Interesting reading: DUNU Blanche: Is It the Cable? - Klaus Eulenbach

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You can order 4 core if you enjoy lighter cables.

100% Order from XINHS!


Have yours arrived?

Not yet, but they are in my country at least. No worries, I’ll drop pics when they arrive.

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Was just curious. I already got my first package from Xinns and the second one is coming tomorrow (both were ordered after your 4 cores), that’s why I remembered. Bring me those professional photos!

So I just tested this and got a .14

I did a sanity check on a couple of cables that @Rikudou_Goku has on his list and they were close as well

A12 Xinhs 2 core R got a .19 I got a .16 so a -.03 dif

A6 Faaeal 4 core R got a .16 I got a .18 s0 a +.02 dif

Dunu 02S 4 core R got .49 I got .51 so +.02 dif

I would say my multimeter is just reading a bit higher, but the 2 core is lower so who knows.


PW Audio cable

My package from Xinhs just arrived.

  • Custom 4.4mm 8 core to match my TSMR Land. This one is made of pure 8N copper + gold plated copper + golden acessories to match the theme.

  • Custom 4.4mm female to 3.5mm male (single ended) adaptor to match the cable.

  • Custom 4.4mm 4 core hibrid made of pure silver + pure copper. Stripped down to be the lighest possible and used with Earbuds.


Soooooo gorgeous!! :heart_eyes:

The more I see your custom cables, the more I want one for me.

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If Xinhs has it, he can do it!

Sounds better if they look better, right? :smirk:

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This one must give stellar soundstage, crystalline highs and earth-shaking bass.

I’m sure with this cable you can hear the fly fart at 12min45, behind the 3rd violin during the infamous “29th concerto for basshead, part.4 act.7” performed in 1834 by the philharmonic ensemble of Myass.



Your wallet ok? :joy:

Nope, never. This one was a replacement tho. My previous iteration of the cable had an hiss, so Xinhs had to assemble a new cable. So I asked for the golden plugs instead of the black one you can see below. No hish now, working perfectly. Happy camper.


How many different cables have you bought from them now? You probably got more than I do lol.