Recommened headphones for under $150

After buying my first DAC and Amp combo (Fiio K5 pro) and having a bit of chatting about whether I should get the 990 or not on my other thread. A lot of people said to me that the treble on the 990 is deadly and I shouldn’t get it. I tried digging a bit to find the perfect headphone for me but it just caused more confusion. I need someone to help me pick a perfect headphone for my ears. Like the title, my budget is about $150 (still a student) but I can go a bit higher if the cans worth its price. I really don’t know what type of sound signature I want but I normally listen to indie rock or EDM and sometimes even classical so I think something warm with good clarity should be ok for me. thanks a lot to anyone spending their time reading this

Hmm, if you liked something warmer and intimate the hd58x would be up your alley. If you wanted something wider with more punch on the bass and a more exciting sound the 4xx is something to look into. I would say the dt880 600 ohm is better worth than the 990 for music listening

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hmmm, in this case, I’ll probably go with the HD58x, see how it sounds like and then decide whether to buy another set or not. Thanks for your help :D.


Great choice! Would love to hear your thoughts on it when you get it. Happy listening!

If your still ever curious about the 990’s though worth abusing the amazon return policy to find out.if your into them or not.

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Nice choice :+1:

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will probably try that when i save enough money for another pair

I’ve revcieved them today and oh my god it sounds way better than the cheap superlux can i’m using. Clarity and soundstage is a big leap and the bass is not oversaturated and have enough punch to stimulate my ears and not flowing over the vocal. I think i has fallen into the rabit hole lads. I’m saving up money for a proper stack DAC/amp and a pair of HD6xx and maybe 4xx too.


Glad you enjoy!
Haha yes, once you go down, it is very hard to get back out. It’s an addicting hobby. :sweat_smile:

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Lol, make sure to take things in steps here, glad you enjoy them :+1: