Repair of broken Audeze Penrose / Mobius / HyperX Orbit S

Audeze Penrose, Audeze Mobius and HyperX Orbit S are headphones with the same planar drivers made by Audeze and the same mechanical design (with some small differences). There are also functional differences. Generally those are planar driver headphones for gaming (Audeze models have also bluetooth). Weak site of all these models is head band and half rings around ear-cups. That is why so many cheap headphones are avialble with broken headbands. I have bought one pair of Hyperx Orbit S and one pair of Audeze Penrose X (X version dedicated for XBOX).
For repair and assembly one working condition headphones have been used following parts:

  1. planar drivers from Penrose;
  2. both PCBs with electronic from Penrose (this model has got bluetooth);
  3. headband from Penrose without half rings around earcups;
  4. half ring and ear cups from Orbit S;
  5. new ear pads and headband pad (replacement dedicated for OrbitS);

Half rings around ear cups are completely broken. Repair has been done in a following way:

  1. cut solid wire for better tensile strength;
  2. epoxy glue for joining broken parts and additional solid wires;
  3. sanding surface from glue (this step might be improved with epoxy filling layer after glue and before sanding);

All parts have been sanded with paper and painted glossy black and clear semi glossy;


Could I no joke pay you to repair mine?

I live in Poland. It is simple repair, you can handle it. When your half rings heve only small cracks, than glue from inside without painting should be fine. Alternatively I have got half rings from Penrose with very small crack. I can improve those rings with glue inside and metal rod and sell via portal “uk audio mart” and paypal.


I have some Audeze Penrose and the plastic from the headband extension is broken. I tried 3d print it and it snapped again.

I was wondering what headband I could use as a replacement for these headsets (a simpler solution) or maybe I should do a DIY project like you did those Hores P2 ?


Hi. If you already have broken parts you can try to repair them with epoxy glue (two ingredients glue) from inside. Then need to put some epoxy filling layer on outside in place crack is visible. Then sanding and painting.

Or you may consider different 3D model. For example this one looks very solid when you take a look from inside:
Audeze Penrose/Mobius cup band replacement by tkolo - Thingiverse

DIY headphones it is always much more effort. My project based Hores P2 is suitable without battery and PCBs, just the drivers. DIY fully working as original Penrose will require deeper housing of cans.

Hi Jarek,

I used these headsets quite carefully and they broke twice. First time store changed them with a Bstock since it were on warranty. However the issue in my case are not the earings and it’s the headband ( inside plastic is poorly designed ) and the whole of it. Really dissapointed…by the plastic quality

I was wondering if there is something I can replace the whole earings+headband and still use the drivers with their initial housing. e.g. LCD Audeze earing + headband are too large

Added some pictures for reference

Yes, there are headbands for DIY available (at least on AliExpress). Important is to check ear-ring size (might be described as a diameter). During assembly need to be re-soldered the wire. I suggest soldering only on PCB places instead of cutting the wire. In my pairs wires are enameled (like wire for a coils) - possible to solder only on endings which are not enameled.

forgive me if this is unwelcome.

there are a few on thingiverse

you can have a matching set printed for less than forty dollars. be careful about what materials you select to have it printed in. you’ll want something durable. they even have aluminum for pretty reasonable.

i had mine printed via Craftcloud