So I’ve had a pair of T50RP MK2s for about a decade now. Never modded (too chickenshit). I used them extensively, and the other day I finally completely broke the housing on the right side after dropping them for the millionth time.
I was about to buy a pair of MK3s when I thought I’d search the internet for replacement parts. Found this wonderful forum, checked out a previous forum post about a similar issue (with a similar topic name) where another user pointed to full compass for replacement parts. Woohoo!
My only concern is this: Are MK3 parts interchangeable with MK2 parts? Seeing as only MK3 parts are available, I’d love to know before pulling the trigger.
Also, if there happened to be someone out there with a complete set of T50RPs without drivers to sell I could just cannibalize my old my drivers into that would be amazing!
Here is a bonus picture of my terribly beaten, abused but deeply loved and relied-upon MK2s:
(I know, the epoxy, it’s horrible. I’m sorry.)