RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Whoa that’s a sweeping statement :open_mouth:…you mean you didn’t like the MK2 in your chain with your sets?..I wouldn’t just plug in a tube amp into a chain expecting miracles…synergy within the chain is where tubes pay off, be it a HP or speaker system :man_shrugging:

PS I liked my MK2 rolled tubes with my old HD660’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I did actually buy some other tubes for it. But I think my issue with it is the hiss it has with iems. The Tin P1 didnt have any hiss and sounded pretty good, but that was literally the only transducer that worked well for me…

And the most important thing about whatever buzzword is used is that such characteristic should not be measurable by any equipment, if it can be measured then its no good, hahaha

I wouldn’t run most IEM’s off of a MK2 but if you want to then try the dip switches…

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I never touched them but I was aware of them.

But yeah, tubes are probably just not a good match with iems and that is my perspective so…

Agreed unless you go Dap Nu-tube stuff :+1:

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Nice conversation. I have my first tube amp coming this week (Darkvoice). I only got it to use with my over-ear headphones, but you never know.

The more I learn and experience, I’m realizing IEMs and headphones need very different things to excel. Enjoying the journey my friends!

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I would generally. Consider anything in the 1k+ new to be entry high end but would generally say stuff starting around $600 in the used market as well. It also depends on the manufacturer as well imo some I would not consider to be high end brands. It’s not just a price bracket but also a quality bracket imo. But this is just my subjective view on it, I’m sure other people have their own way of classifying these things.

I won’t say anything more about my view on cables, i know how this goes. People already have their bias just like I do and nothing is gonna change that.


I am 100% willing to change my view on cables, i just need ONE proof, any blind test would do as i said before.

This is the big difference imo, you can change my mind with non subjective information, but i cannot change yours in the same manner. I mean no offence, it is just how it goes…

Absolutely no hiss on Z1R’s…aye hard to drive set but sounds dope (tubes rolled) my perspective too :beers:


Well if there would be any reason to use high-end wires why then dd drivers in even high-end iems and headphones use basic copper voice coil? Why do they use cheapest wire avaible to connect drivers to connectors? Akg even doesn’t use wire to connect right channel to left in their akg k7 line up, they just connect them via headband rod and it works fine as conductor.

beast setup, man!

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Actually that’s not true, there are a lot of totl and flagship iems that use quality wire and solder for that matter in the internal wiring. My fourte noir for example uses pure silver litz and mundorf Supreme silver solder for all the internal wires. I’m sure there are headphones that use higher quality wiring as well but probably none in the lower end side due to cost and possibly even bias on the manufacturers part. But this is a thing.


I honestly don’t care if you change your stance on cables. I just don’t agree with stating opinion as fact and misleading people. At least make it known this is opinion based and not word it as a objective statement.

I will not be doing a blind test. For several reasons.

  1. It’s a pita and not worth the effort.
  2. Even if I did conduct a test and was able to tell the cables apart, I am almost certain I would be met with criticism and doubt.
  3. I don’t care. I don’t have anything to prove to anybody. All that matters is my ears and listening skills.

Im sorry I’m not a objective person, I don’t care what your measurements say, because in the end it’s my ears and my own experiences that I trust, not some numbers in a data sheet. If you really wanted to try to change my mind or even just so we could understand each other better you could start by answering my questions a few post above instead of dodging them with another plea for a “blind test” lol


Whilst I think without an external standard to back it up a statement will remain a subjective opinion, I don’t think a blind test or a measurement (read: frequency response graph) necessarily renders that statement objective. The moment you decide only a blind test or a frequency response is the acceptable evidence to objectively verify a statement, it becomes subjective. Audio is a complex subject that involves not only involves the physical engineering of the transducer, but also psychology and neuroscience, because sound, after all, needs to be heard in order to be perceived to exist. Before we know exactly what scientific methods can capture what we hear, I’m not sure anyone is able to make a statement of objective fact.


Look bro, the amount of “i don’t cares” in your posts are the reason i will not bother giving you the details you asked for, i know when a conversation will lead to nothing.

All i was saying in my last post is that your statement that my opinion is formed and will not be changed is FALSE, i love a good informed debate based on facts and reproduceable data / results, i have changed my mind about plenty of subjects and i openly admit when i am wrong.

I proud myself for being open minded and not for being always right, which i most certainly am not.

The only opinion i see here which is set in stone and unwilling to change is yours, and that is totally fine, as long as you don’t demand that others say that their scientific reproduceable data are not facts, they are…

I will stop replying to this subject now, i am not here to fight or irritate anybody.


Yeah, you gotta leave the tube amp on for days for the tubes to break in long enough not to hiss. There’s always the possibility of a bad tube too. Awesome as ever Ohmboy!

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I would easily be able to agree on doing blind tests, I’m not saying that I’ve heard tons of cables or tons of differences but I’ve heard some extremely apparent differences in cables. Usually stuff like one maybe being more sibilant than the other etc. On the Tia trio in particular I heard two cables, one made the trios so sibilant I could only play half of my library. While the other one fully removed it. Onyl shame is that I don’t live near u to do these tests in front of you, don’t own another iem atm besides my Andros and only have 1 cable for it atm lol.

Also one of the other issues with stuff like this is that people truly are different in how they hear certain things. I know @Resolution mentioned having trouble in telling differences in cables with headphones but it being super evident to him with IEMs that it is for sure not placebo to him. For me I hear a difference in dacs for sure but hearing the difference of a dac in a speaker vs headphone is indeed a fair bit easier. It’s possible that whether it’s just your level of gear, source or IEM itself you for whatever reason don’t hear the difference between cables


To add to this I remember someone from abyss giving their thoughts too, mentioned first of all that all their headphones use nothing but quality cabling inside and that even if something does use a cheaper wire in other gear it’s a matter of percentage. Where if you attach a quality cable to the headphone most of it is quality and carries into the headphone even if 5% is the shitty internal wiring cable it still carries through. Thought that was a perfectly good explanation for it that seemed reasonable


Andromeda is infamous for being extremely sensitive to resistance changes though. Might just be due to the different resistances causing a change in the FR.

Abyss literally sells cables that cost thousands of dollars…

I would definitely take anything they say about cables with a huge pile of salt for obvious reasons…

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