Rumors and new releases thread

Quad Era ? Maybe same driver? ~24 ohm and 94 dB would fit.


Moved the connection to the normal (worse) position though instead of keeping the HD800 position.
Price for the ERA-1 is about 750€ for me, so the Tiger could be a deal.


Or Brainwavz Alara :man_shrugging:t2:


New Moondrop portable DAC/amp combo thingie: MOONDROP MoonRiver 2 CS43198 Portable USB DAC/AMP Headphone Amplifier

It looks cool, but the price tag is a bit steep


I haven’t heard much about this one. $80 hybrid with multiple tuning filters, which always seems like an interesting idea, but it seems like folks just find their preferred setup and don’t change them after that.

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I like the idea, and it’s a looker too.

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I found a graph and my guess is that the treble might be a bit much in the 2-4k range for most folks. I am curious about a couple other spots, the mids seem recessed, as is that 6k area. I don’t know much about Vortex as a reviewer, but his other FR charts are spot on, so I trust that part.

Oof, that graph would not suit my tastes at all. Thanks!

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The Moondrop Moonriver 2 unboxing. Anybody got the specs yet?

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A lightly used Lotoo Paw S1 / L&P W2 undercuts this on price, sometimes by a lot. Besides having a 4.4mm port as something a little more distinct (good move), it will need some impressive hardware… frankly it’s late to the game.

I’ve been using Bluetooth receivers instead of dongles for the slightly better flexibility of cords (still far from perfect) but also because my source (iPhone 7 Plus) needs the lightning port free for charging more often than I’d like. I’d hate to pick between music and charging.

Apart from freeing up the port… does anyone know if transmitting Bluetooth uses significantly or insignificantly less battery power than powering one of these DAC/amp dongles? I would assume less power. I’d also assume it depended heavily on the dongle, and whether it was running balanced, high volume, etc.

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The latest flagship Tribrid from Astrotec

It’s Moondrop without the Wifus? What fresh hell is this?

Somewhere around the 5th layer, if I had to take a guess.

new thor mjolnir iem, looks dope

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They/He hasn’t made a decent vacuum cleaner yet so what’s the chances of a good HP? =


April first isn’t until Friday, Dyson…


o.O whut ?

Muse Hifi Power - Planar Magnetic Driver IEM

These are the newest arrival at keephifi. Are they new? Muse is unknown to me. The already have 10 reviews. Not a single written one. What’s going on?

FR graph is from here:


Man oh man, that planar wave is alive and kicking. I’d be curious with these. They look great, cables looks nice and the accessories it comes with seems solid.

Tbh… khm, khm… Umm, if I may say so, they are interesting. Khm, khm.

As someone who still hasn’t come to that point in life where you purchase your own vacuum cleaner, the least I can confirm is that the one my family own from well over a decade ago sucks.

However, Dyson’s design is very tempting. With this being said, I’d love to hear why their vacuums suck @Ohmboy :wink:

Psst, @Ohmboy the pre-edit version of your message was better