Rumors and new releases thread

“A bit more like the Radiance but even a bit more low end but still maintain Focal sound signature”??

:thinking: Sounds pretty awesome

Only thing is, would I feel comfortable walking around wearing an $800 focal headset? Not sure…

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Lol i dont even feel comfortable wearing my b stock elex since I’m committed to not dropping that kind of money again so reasonable for you to raise that question on something more expensive thats targeted for more active use.

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I wonder if the dedicated USB DAC mode will work with an iPhone…

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Today, the way things are… That would be a no.

That said, I have used my Lagoons just around the house and I must say, there is a lot to be said for not being tethered to the amp. If these will rival the sound quality of say, the Celleste, they would be worth consideration. I want to know more about the battery itself. What is the life expectancy? Can it be replaced?

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With this many new walkmans coming, they have to be working on new iems (or hps)…


Good find man, curious if the Bluetooth will work well with their tws sets since it is running android etc. It should work I would think. Maybe a bump in sound quality as well.


Wish the A series successor would solve the battery issue of A105 and maybe add a bit of power to the output. That would be a perfect DAP for me. But looking at some of the latest moves of Sony they may just not give a f.

Good stuff on the way from :
Starry Night - $499


Meet TRI Audio iOne. Very few knew about this save Mobile Audiophile group in fbook. fb://group/1118105098950670?ref=share

Gotta say, it looks pretty damn good for such a young company!


Hopefully it isn’t too expensive

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Looks like a good Topping G5 competitor but probably a lot more expensive. The SD card is a nice touch too

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Command we have another sub $20 contestor in the radar…

Hope they work on the App / EQ. Tried the UP5 and the custom EQ setting wasn’t working at all. No change in sound and it got reset to default after changing to one of the presets.

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Pro: it looks a lot like the Aria/Titan S/T2 DLC/T3+ style tuning, and at $17 that’s a steal

Con: It looks a lot like the Aria/Titan S/T2 DLC/T3+ style tuning

But yeah, this probably makes every single one of those sets redundant. And a possible benefit of this is that now you HAVE to tune your damn sets to get play sub-$50. Time to stop being lazy

That is some interesting marketing there. I could see the Aria being an irrelevant set fairly soon here - I love this arms race we have going on, pretty soon, the under $100 bracket will be loaded with just about everything you could ask for.

Thank god its treble spike moved to a comfort zone. It would be unbearble otherwise.