Rumors and new releases thread

I see nothing wrong with a roided out DAP :joy:

Me either. I’ve decided to give it a try. I want to compare it to a Wiim pro and an older Blusound vault. Eventually, i also want to try the DMP-A6 master. Maybe even the Hifi Rose. Z seemed to really like the R7. It just seems like it would be an upgrade over the Wiim. If not ill let ya know.




Two new products showcased by Schiit here.


Just finished watching it, and he talked about making more tube based products including hybrids, phono, and a Valhalla 3. Nothing in the near future unfortunately, lol.

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Skoll @ 9:12

Midgard @ 18:27

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Beyer just launched their first wireless gaming headphones.




Drop + Grell Signature Headphones Story | Audiophile | Headphones | Open Back Headphones?


This is the only new headphone release I’m hyped for but MAN Drop sucks at marketing it… Like the only reason I knew it was a thing was because Zeos talked about it in one of his videos from some hifi show I checked out on a whim, then recently DMS mentioned the name Grell Signature in a video about canjam socal, and I have no idea how you found that Drop posting since I’m subscribed to their email marketing and they definitely didn’t bother sending the info out.
But hey at least it’s not cancelled.

The Altiat CAL.1H, lovely headphones! I reviewed them, and it’s nice to see that more people will be able to hear these too :smiley:


Cool link. I just watched the video. Just say that I am curious.

I guess this still counts as a new release - didn’t see them mentioned anywhere here: I received the Moondrop PARA planar headphones from HifiGo today. The build seems not so different from the Venus (which I do not own). A bit on the heavy side. They have indeed an impedance of about 8 Ohm only (measured a resistance of 8.5 Ohms) and are moderately hard to drive to produce quality sound (liked them most on my Burson Soloist 3x GT, the Topping A90D and LA90 speaker amp - needed a third party balanced cable for that obviously). Two sets of pads are included: hybrid ones with an oval opening and a round fenestrated pleather set. They attach with a perforated metal plate to the magnets of the cups (a bit like my Verum 1 mk2 with their metal rings … which also is a 8 Ohm planar but that one sounds completely different).

Both pads are bass light and a bit harsh but also clear/analytical with very strange spatial characteristics - I prefer the fenestrated ones (green line in the Minidsp EARS plot below) but don’t want to dive into a first impression thread. In my opinion generally not suited for people who like smooth balanced sound (or typical planar bass) but still interesting.


Earfun bringing out their first IEM?

And (looks rebranded) dongle?

I wasn’t that interested but… with a bio diaphragm for lows, and LCP for mids… plus easy modding of the nozzle/filter (I wonder if the EA500 kit would be compatible?)

Kind of interesting, even with an early gain. For my tastes. And with the right tips the early gain on my Erus isn’t an issue.

EDIT: Shells from the Shanling sono, it looks like?

EDIT: Not just the shells. Driver materials etc all line up:

And even cost pretty much. They need to focus on providing a more comprehensive graph if the main/only difference vs the Sono is tuning?


Did not listen to it at CanJam SoCal but attended the ask the reviewers panel on Sunday and they all said that the treble needs to be fixed before official release.

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Looks like there is a collab with Dunu and Precogvision.

DD + 6 BA


Given his preferences, I’m surprised he’s one of the few who could really get behind the Dunu Falcon Pro. I guess he values midbass in guilty-pleaasure or certain-cases sets?

If I’m not wrong he’s a big Taeyon fan? So I’d imagine generalizing from genres he’d likely lean towards Moondrop style tuning?

For my taste going by graph alone, although I’m not 100% against the bass plateauing out at 200Hz, I’d be worried that going into that point in such a linear way would put subbass too far above midbass / hollow and dry things out (for my ears, genres, etc)

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yes, I havent listened to her but I assume you need the same thing as with other Kpop.

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Apparently 2 years of work and more than double the price…have to wonder if it improves things on Vulksn’s weak point in the treble


This man never forgets a graph.



Precog has said he listens to kpop and country music, that explains his tuning style i guess :man_shrugging: